If the user approves a prompt in Okta Verify or provides biometrics (meets NIST AAL2 requirements) (default): The user must prove that they are physically present when using Okta FastPass to authenticate. Your client application needs to have its client ID and secret stored in a secure manner. Windows Autopilot can be used to automatically join machines to AAD to ease the transition. If you select the option Okta Verify user interaction in this rule, users who choose Okta Verify as the authentication factor are prompted to provide user verification (biometrics). AAD receives the request and checks the federation settings for domainA.com. However, with Office 365 client access policies, the access decision can also be implemented based on client type, such as web browser, modern auth or legacy auth clients. Possession factor: The user must provide a possession factor to authenticate. Pass-through authentication removes the need to synchronize the password hash to a cloud Azure AD by using intermediate systems called pass-through authentication agents that act as liaison between on-premises AD and Azure AD. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Note the parameters that are being passed: If the credentials are valid, the application receives an access token: Use this section to Base64-encode the client ID and secret. Create authentication policy rules. I can see the Okta Login page and have successfully received the duo push after entering my credentials . From professional services to documentation, all via the latest industry blogs, we've got you covered. Create a Policy for MFA over Modern Authentication. Configure strong authentication policies to secure each of your apps. Password re-authentication frequency is: 4 Hours, Re-authentication frequency for all other factors is: 15 Minutes. Select one of the following: Configures whether devices must be managed to access the app. See Request for token. If these credentials are no longer valid, the authentication of a user via Rich Client failures will appear since authentication with the IDP was not successful. The error response tells you that browser clients must use PKCE, and as PKCE is only possible in an authorization code flow, this implicitly means that Okta allows only authorization code flow from a browser client. This document covers the security issues discussed above and provides illustrative guidance on how to configure Office 365 with Okta to bridge the gap created by lack of MFA for Office 365. Any 1 factor type or Any 1 factor type / IdP: The user must provide a possession, knowledge, or biometric authentication factor. Select the application that you want to use, and then on the General tab, copy the Client ID and Client secret. A. Legacy Authentication Protocols Enables organizations to deploy devices running Windows 10 by pre-registering their device Universal Directories (UD) in AAD. The Client Credentials flow is intended for server-side (confidential) client applications with no end user, which normally describes machine-to-machine communication. Given the availability of hundreds of millions of stolen credentials, account checker tools that are point and shoot and proxies that attempt to anonymise the source of requests, credential stuffing has developed into an industry-wide problem. Implement the Client Credentials flow in Okta. . It is important to note that MFA can be enforced only via Azure MFA when Pass-through Authentication is used, Third party MFA and on-premises MFA methods are not supported. Therefore, we also need to enforce Office 365 client access policies in Okta. It is of key importance that the steps involved in this configuration changes are implemented and in the order listed below: A. Federate Office 365 authentication to Okta, B. Note: Direct calls to the Identity Engine APIs that underpin much of the Identity Engine authentication pipeline aren't supported use the Embedded SDKs instead. Use our SDKs to create a completely custom authentication experience. an Azure AD instance is bundled with Office 365 license. Figure 2 shows the Office 365 access matrix once configurations are implemented: Note that, if there is a legitimate business use case for allowing traffic over legacy authentication protocols that rely on Basic Authentication, Office 365 client access policy provides an option to add a user/group exception. Select one of the following: Configures the device platform needed to access the app. Secure your consumer and SaaS apps, while creating optimized digital experiences. From the General tab of your app integration, save the generated Client ID and Client secret values to implement your authorization flow. The Okta Identity Cloud connects and protects employees of many of the worlds largest enterprises. See the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect decision flowchart for the appropriate flow recommended for your app. If the Global Session Policy requires Password / IdP and the authentication policy requires 1FA, possession factor, the user is required to provide their password (or federate with an external IdP) and provide a possession factor. This information is based on internal research performed by the Okta security team and does not constitute a replacement for Okta documentation addressing Office 365 configuration for Okta. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. Having addressed relevant MFA requirements for the Cloud Authentication method, we can focus on how to secure federated authentication to Office 365 with Okta as Identity Provider in the next sections. Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream. For example, if this policy is being applied to high profile users or executives i.e. Before implementing the flow, you must first create custom scopes for the custom authorization server used to authenticate your app from the Okta Admin Console. More details on clients that are supported to follow. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8. So, lets first understand the building blocks of the hybrid architecture. Be sure to review any changes with your security team prior to making them. You can reach us directly at developers@okta.com or ask us on the For the excluded group, consider creating a separate sign-on policy and allowing restricted access using Network Zones. This allows Vault to be integrated into environments using Okta. You already have AD-joined machines. Configure hybrid Azure Active Directory join for federated domains, Disable Basic authentication in Exchange Online, Use Okta MFA to satisfy Azure AD MFA requirements for Office 365. Use Rule 1 (example), Rule 2 (example), and Rule 3 (example) as a guide when setting up your authentication policy rules. To be honest I'm not sure it's a good idea to kill their session in Okta, only b/c they are not assigned to your application. The commands listed below use POP protocol as an example. domainA.com is federated with Okta, so the username and password are sent to Okta from the basic authentication endpoint (/active). Since the domain is federated with Okta, this will initiate an Okta login. Empower agile workforces and high-performing IT teams with Workforce Identity Cloud. See Next steps. Sign in or create an account. Oktas O365 sign-in policy sees inbound traffic from the /passive endpoint, presents the Okta login screen, and, if applicable, applies MFA per a pre-configured policy. MacOS Mail did not support modern authentication until version 10.14. Select the Enable API integrationcheck box. Note that the minimum privileges required on Office 365 and the Okta platform to implement these changes are listed in Table 2: Before proceeding further, we should mention that the configuration changes listed in this document will enforce the following behaviors: A. For example, you may want to require all Okta users by default to provide a password to access an app but require Okta users in a designated group to provide both their password and Okta Verify to access the same app. https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, Never re-authenticate if the session is active, Re-authentication frequency for all other factors is. Select one of the following: Configures the network zone required to access the app. Table 1 summarizes the list of Office 365 access protocols and the authentication methods they support. By leveraging an open and neutral identity solution such as Okta, you not only future-proof your freedom to choose the IT solutions you need for success, you also leverage the very best capabilities that Microsoft has to offer through Oktas deep integrations. Office 365 Client Access Policies in Okta. Client: In this section, choose Exchange ActiveSync client and all user platforms. NB: these results wont be limited to the previous conditions in your search. 1. Optionally, apply the policy in 30 minutes (instead of 24 hours) by revoking the user tokens: 9. In addition, you need a GPO applied to the machine that forces the auto enrollment info into Azure AD. As the premier, independent identity and access management solution, Okta is uniquely suited to do help you do just that. Microsofts OAuth2-compliant Graph API is subject to licensing restrictions. Click Next. To identify how Okta Verify keys are stored for a device, view the secureHardwarePresent device attribute in the Admin Console, or use an Okta Expression Language (EL) expression to determine the value of device.profile.secureHardwarePresentview. Modern Authentication on Office 365 enables sign-in features such as multi-factor authentication and SAML-based sign-in with Identity Providers, such as Okta. Okta sign-in policies play a critical role here and they apply at two levels: the organization and application level. Modern authentication can be enabled for an Office 365 tenant using PowerShell by executing the following commands: 1. Innovate without compromise with Customer Identity Cloud. To connect with a product expert today, use our chat box, email us, or call +1-800-425-1267. Once Office 365 is federated to Okta, administrators should check Oktas System Logs to ensure all legacy authentication requests were accounted for. Using a scheduled task in Windows from the GPO an AAD join is retried. Then, connect your app to Okta using whatever mechanism makes sense for the deployment model that you choose. Azure AD supports two main methods for configuring user authentication: A. Oktas O365 Sign On policy sees inbound traffic from the /active endpoint and, by default, blocks it. You need to register your app so that Okta can accept the authorization request. Okta supports a security feature through which a user is notified via email of any sign-on that is detected for their Okta user account from a new device or a browser. For example, lets say you want to create a policy that applies MFA while off network and no MFA while on network. In addition to the users, groups, and devices found in AD, AAD offers complementary features that can be applied to these objects. Other considerations: There are a number of other things that you need to consider, such as whether to use Single Sign-On, to add an external identity provider, and more. To configure passwordless authentication using Okta Verify, see Configure Okta FastPass. Select one of the following: Configures the resulting app permissions if all the previous conditions are met: Configures the authentication that is required to access the app: Configures the possession factor characteristics: Configures how often a user is required to re-authenticate: Use the following configuration as a guide for rule 1: Use the following configuration as a guide for rule 2: Use the following configuration as a guide for rule 3. But later it says "Authorisation Error: invalid_client: Client authentication failed.Either the client or the client credentials are . End user can't use an RDP client to connect to a Okta Credential Provider for Windows supported workstation or server. Watch our video. Tip: If you cant immediately find your Office365 App ID, here are two handy shortcuts. The device will attempt an immediate join by using the service connection point (SCP) to discover your AAD tenant federation info and then reach out to a security token service (STS) server. Click Create App Integration. Modern Authentication Supported Protocols Configures the user type that can access the app. This can be done using the Exchange Online PowerShell Module. To govern Office 365 authentication with policies defined in Okta, federation needs to be enabled on Office 365. Password + Another factor or Password / IdP + Another factor: The user must provide a password, and any other authentication factor. Rules are numbered. Copy the App ID into the search query in (2) above. Okta inline hook calls to third-party external web services previously provided only header-based authentication for security. Using Okta to pass MFA claims means that Okta MFA can be used for authorization eliminating the confusion of a second MFA experience. Thousands of customers, including 20th Century Fox, Adobe, Dish Networks, Experian, Flex, LinkedIn, and News Corp, trust Okta to help them work faster, boost revenue and stay secure. Once Office 365 is federated to Okta, administrators should check Oktas System Logs to ensure all legacy authentication requests were accounted for. If a domain is federated with Okta, traffic is redirected to Okta. If the policy includes multiple rules and the conditions of the first rule aren't satisfied when a user tries to access the app, Okta skips this rule and evaluates the user against the next rule. Secure your consumer and SaaS apps, while creating optimized digital experiences. You can use one of Okta's SDKs or an open-source library if an appropriate Okta SDK is not available. Check the Okta syslog to see why the connection was rejected. Connecting both providers creates a secure agreement between the two entities for authentication. (https://company.okta.com/app/office365/). In the Okta Admin Console, go to Applications > Office 365 > Sign-on > Sign-on policy, 2. Suddenly, were all remote workers. Your app uses the access token to make authorized requests to the resource server. For newly upgraded machines (Windows 10 v1803), part of the Out-of-the-Box Experience (OOTBE) is setting up Windows Hello for Business. Instruct admins to upgrade to EXO V2 module to support modern authentication. However, there are few things to note about the cloud authentication methods listed above. Protect against account takeover. It is a catch-all rule that denies access to the application. Purely on-premises organizations or ones where critical workloads remain on-prem, cant survive under shelter in place. Sign in to your Okta organization with your administrator account. Oktas commitment is to always support the best tools, regardless of which vendor or stack they come from. This is because authentication fromMicrosoft comes invarious formats (i.e., basic or modern authentication) and from different endpoints such asWS-Trust andActiveSync. Select one of the following: Configures users that can access the app. The Horizon Client then forms a protocol session connection, through the gateway service on the Unified Access Gateway, to the Horizon Agent running in the physical desktop. Okta Identity Engine is currently available to a selected audience. Note that basic authentication is disabled: 6. In this scenario, MFA can only be enforced via Azure MFA, third-party MFA solutions are not supported. If the number of choices is overwhelming, we recommend exporting the search to a CSV or continuing the search in a SIEM. 3. Enforce MFA on new sign-on/session for clients using Modern Authentication. Before you remove this global requirement in your Global Session Policy, make sure you protect all of your apps with a strong authentication policy. The authentication attempt will fail and automatically revert to a synchronized join. Okta gives you one place to manage your users and their data. By adopting a hybrid state Okta can help you not only move to the cloud for all your identity needs, but also take advantage of all the new functionalities that Microsoft is rolling out in AAD. For more information on Windows Hello for Business see Hybrid Deployment and watch our video. But they wont be the last. The mapping of groups in Okta to Vault policies is managed by using the users and groups APIs. prompt can be set to every sign-on or every session. Please enable it to improve your browsing experience. One of the following clients: Only specified clients can access the app. Switch from basic authentication to the OAuth 2.0 option. By following the guidelines presented in this document, Okta customers can enforce MFA on all mail clients supporting modern authentication, hence helping secure their Office 365 application against phishing, password-spraying, KnockKnock and brute force attacks. It is important for organizations to be aware of all the access protocols through which a user may access Office 365 email, as some legacy authentication protocols do not support capabilities like multi-factor authentication. Base64-encode the client ID and secret (as shown later) and then pass through Basic Authentication (opens new window) in the request to your custom authorization server's /token endpoint: Note: The client ID and secret aren't included in the POST body, but rather are placed in the HTTP Authorization header following the rules of HTTP Basic Auth (opens new window). You can also limit your search to failed legacy authentication events using the following System Log query:eventType eq "user.session.start" and outcome.result eq "FAILURE" and debugContext.debugData.requestUri eq "/app/office365/{office365 App ID}/sso/wsfed/active". Any client (default): Any client can access the app. With any of the prior suggested searches in your search bar, select, User Agent (client.userAgent.rawUserAgent), Client Operating System (client.userAgent.os), or, Client Browser (client.userAgent.browser), Country (client.geographicalContext.country), Client email address (check actor.alternateId or target.alternateId). When you upgrade to an Okta Identity Engine, the same authentication policy exists, but the user experience changes. In any of the following zones: Only devices within the specified zones can access the app. Found this sdk for .net https://github.com/okta/okta-auth-dotnet. For more background on the different deployment models, including basic flows and help with choosing between models, see Okta deployment models redirect vs. embedded. Note: If there is a business requirement for allowing access to legacy authentication protocols, create a group of those user/service accounts and exclude that group from this rule by checking the Exclude the following users and groups from this rule option. Enter specific zones in the field that appears. Oktas customers commonly use a combination of single sign-on (SSO), automated provisioning, and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect their Office 365 tenants against the aforementioned attacks. The policy described above is designed to allow modern authenticated traffic. The other method is to use a collector to transfer the logs into a log repository and . Disable legacy authentication protocols. Select the policy you want to update. Open the Applications page by selecting Applications > Applications. Use Oktas System Log to find legacy authentication events. From the list that appears when this option is selected, select one or more of the following: Any IP (default): Devices with any IP address can access the app. Here are some common user agent strings from Legacy Authentication events (those with /sso/wsfed/active" in the requestUri. Different flows and features use diverse endpoints and, consequently, result in different behaviors based on different policies. There are two types of authentication in the Microsoft space: Basic authentication, aka legacy authentication, simply uses usernames and passwords. Applies To Office 365 Federation Error Cause There is more than one user assigned with the same username to the Office 365 application in Okta. disable basic authentication to remedy this. When users try to authenticate a non-browser app to a Microsoft cloud service such as Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, or Microsoft Intune from a specific client computer, one or more of the following issues occur: Admins can't authenticate to the cloud service by using the following management tools: Administrators must actively enable modern authentication. OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect decision flowchart. If you already know your Office 365 App ID, the search query is pretty straightforward. Typically, you create an Okta org and an app integration to represent your app inside Okta, inside which you configure your policies. Traffic requesting different types of authentication come from different endpoints. with the Office 365 app ID pre-populated in the search field. Launch a terminal and enter the following command, replacing clientid:clientsecret with the value that you just copied. Rather, transformation requires incremental change towards modernization, all without drastically upending the end-user experience. If a users mail profile was configured prior to this date, the basic authentication profile may remain unchanged and will need to be reset. No matter what industry, use case, or level of support you need, weve got you covered. Set up your app with the Client Credentials grant type. Instead, you must create a custom scope. Okta gives you a neutral, powerful and extensible platform that puts identity at the heart of your stack. In Okta you create a strict policy of ALWAYS MFA whereas in Conditional Access the policy will be configured for in and out of network. Access problems aren't limited to rich client applications on the client computer. Once the above policies in place, the final configuration should look similar to as shown in Figure 14: To reduce the number of times a user is required to sign-in to Office 365 application, Azure AD issues two types of tokens i.e. For example, Okta Verify, WebAuthn, phone, or email. Everyones going hybrid. Empower agile workforces and high-performing IT teams with Workforce Identity Cloud. It occurs because the server is attempting a Device Trust challenge with a device that does not have a client certificate. You are redirected to the Microsoft account log inpage. The whole exercise is a good reminder to monitor logs for red-flags on a semi-regular basis: As you get used to doing this, your muscle memory for these processes will grow, along with your understanding of what normal looks like in your environment. Sign in to your Okta organization with your administrator account. Modern Authentication can be enabled on Office 2013 clients by. Pass-through Authentication allows users to use the password to access cloud services like Office 365, as the one stored in on-premise AD.