If you're feeling worried that you don't have a large budget to spend on prizes, no sweat! You can set up a walking challenge, step challenge, or even decide between running a group challenge or personal challenge. And since budget is always a factor, all the tactical advice we provide is budget friendly. This reward provides an alternative to offering every employee a gym reimbursement Its something thats beyond your teams current capabilities and that will require them to grow as individuals and break through their perceived limitations. It is also a great way to expand horizons by exposing employees to activities If you're ready to create a reward strategy for your challenge that ensures participants are engaged, excited, and ultimately more active, read on! not be able to make these benefits available to everyone. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 There are many ways to recognize participants that go beyond just recognizing your top steppers. Member Reviews One simple way to do this: encourage them to start walking. 46 Host a spirit day. funds rollover, they can also serve as a tax-deferred retirement option. Walking challenges take your average stroll on a whole new level, and can be an awesome way to motivate people to be more active! delivers health benefits in addition to motivating engagement in challenges. Any model that reports statistics will be good enough for a walking challenge. more out of the box ideas. You see, its not as easy as sending a mass email about an upcoming 5k and calling it a day. Participants who walk a total of 180,000 steps (6,000 per day) receive a bronze medal, those who walk 240,000 (8,000 per day) get silver, and those who walk 300,000 (10,000 per day) earn gold. both domestic and international employers. Just as you cant mandate participation, you cant rely on a one-size fits all approach. A step challenge or walkathon is a fitness challenge that encourages people to take as many steps as they can during the challenge period. Then, announce the grand prizes after the challenge ends based on total challenge stats. If you need some ideas or tips for deciding on prizes for the winners of the walking challenge, you can read this helpful article on wellness challenge prize ideas. Put a flyer in the break room, send out multiple emails, show the prizes. Recognition can be the key to success for some folks. Encourage students and families to take a walk or work out at home. However, thoughtful prizes can also be a very effective motivator. Walking challenges are the most popular, simple, and well-known fitness challenge when it comes to encouraging physical activity among remote employees. There are a variety of ways to set up an office fitness challenge, but the basic premise is that employees compete against each other to see who can get the most steps, burn the most calories, or whatever other metric you choose. Workplace Wellness Challenge Ideas. Best Employee Engagement Software Platforms For High Performing Teams [HR Approved] You even know when you want to run it, and youve decided on a couple of goals youd like to meet. Try the Team Leaderboard, Group Journey, Group Target, or Group Target Fundraiser modes on MoveSpring to recognize teamwork. Its much more important to motivate those for whom fitness isnt all that high on their priority list. It only makes sense to integrate a wellness increase their personal savings and financial security. For example, participants can earn a reward for walking a certain number of steps every day and being monitored by a smartwatch, or they can earn a prize for each 1,000 to 2,000 steps walked over a set time. If your company offers benefits to employees, why not include those options to reward your challenge participants? This article is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. An oldie but a goodie! After all, the goal is to be inclusive and reward everyone who is working hard to be engaged and more active! needs/interests. Create a raffle where participants become eligible for entry when they meet certain challenge goals or maintain activity averages. Earn a raffle ticket for each milestone reached. Yes, buy-in from executive leadership is a must, but you cant take a top-down approach to fitness challenges. catered lunches, onsite chair massages also bring additional awareness to the program, At first glance, it might seem easy to come up with something like: $200 to the champion, $100 to the runner up and $50 for third place. She also writes for sites including Social Media Examiner, Business 2 Community and Adspresso. The last thing you want is to invest your time, money, and energy in a fitness challenge that gets zero participation. Youll find that gamification is a great way to unlock the spirit of friendly competition and increase participation company-wide. If youre in a pinch and not sure what will work for your audience, know that there are three things that are sure to be crowd pleasers every time: The first two on that list are guaranteed to attract people who are interested in your business, even if theyve never purchased from you, while the last will appeal to pretty much everyone (which might not actually be the best option). A: Here are a few tips to help you run a successful office fitness challenge: Make sure the corporate fitness challenge is something that employees will actually enjoy and want to participate in. Wellable works with employers to provide cash contributions via payroll as rewards for purchaser for free, and employees can use their prize in their next challenge. This automates the process of creating, promoting and incentivizing wellness challenges. The more fun employees have, the more likely they are to stick with it and see results. Pro Tip #2: Change up the challenge structure Choosing a theme for your social media contest based on the time of year is a great way to increase interest, shares and entries. Whether you want to go with tried and true favorites that are easier to get buy-in for (ie: Most Steps Wins) there are a ton of fun and creative ideas available for your team to implement to gamify your office fitness challenge. For example, include smaller weekly prizes for participants who average a certain amount of steps. in their wallet! Prizes can be given to teams, or rockstar individuals throughout the challenge and at the end. Encourage individuals to get walking with this tiered challenge. Thats why a walking challenge for the benefit of your employees health can be a tricky proposition to implement and have highparticipation rates. participating in a wellness program. Whichever awards you choose for your challenge, they need to be established before the challenge ever starts and known to When it comes to rewarding employees for their efforts, everyone loves cash. travel site. 6. $50 gift cards to the employees that had the most steps in each of the three walking challenges. At The Benefit Company we believe that every organization is different and requires an understanding of your organizations goals. others by posting it in their workspace. For example: Water bottles, shirts, hoodies, coffee cups, Moleskin notebooks, or backpacks), 34 Paid subscriptions to media (for example: The New York Times, New York Magazine, Tech Crunch, or Audible), 40 Upgraded office supplies (For example: a new keyboard, mouse, monitor, or speakers), 43 Gift cards (For example: large retailers or grocery stores. Setting challenge awards is a surprisingly difficult task. Employees were then further incentivized by being offered rewards to be givenat the end of each challenge. Long-term wellness initiatives based on personal goal attainment, or short-term, team-building activity competitions are all possible with theirfully customizable portals. The more milestones you reach, the more chances you have to win. The recreation will add new energy to the office and everyone will stay fit. renew subscription on their own, continuing the healthy benefits of home cooking. If your grand prize is a t . The other awards you provide should be presented simply as added incentive. From scavenger hunts to bowling, employees love to participate in fun events, experiences. exclusive discounts to popular goods and services as a way to affordably provide Ana Gotter is a regular contributor to the ShortStack blog. It is really recreating if we create an office fitness challenge. The best part of a walking challenge is that your employees are responsible for tracking their own steps. Morning Mile) or after school (i.e. Employees enjoy prices lower than what can be found through every major Invest in some cheap, wearable pedometers for your employees, and have them log how many steps they take each day. This let employees envision the prize of their dreams as they work to improve their health 5 Best 30-Day Wellness Challenge Ideas for the Office. After individual fundraising is tallied, participants will receive an email from our vendor, Halo, with information about their gift level and how to redeem prizes. membership to womens-only gym might not be the best incentive. Here are some of our favourite e-commerce prize ideas which will help you get the most out of your contest and put you in a position to convert users and drive sales: Your Own Product As an e-commerce business, one of the most effective prizes you can give away is your own product. Pick a large number like 100 million or billion steps depending on the size of your organization, and encourage each team to walk as much as possible in 90 days. The contest . These challenges can create lots of opportunities for your team to bond, improve their health, and build healthy habits. Since goals, objectives, and budgets differ significantly with each organization, Wellable supports a wide range of reward and prize options. A walking challenge is simple and easy to set up. Blog The team with the most steps at the end of the challenge will be entered into a shared raffle to win a prize. If you were stumped on what prize you should offer in your next social media contest, hopefully this list helped bring about some inspiration. wellness program-specific swag to promote their commitment to employee health. Walking Challenge. While the saying goes "cash is king", prizes actually work best when they're uniquely curated to your challenge theme or organization itself! If you are looking to start your own step challenge at your company, but want more practice with it before, IncentFit has a free 30 day step challenge google sheets tracker that you can access here. So there you have it! The most common year-long walking challenge is to challenge yourself to walk a set walking distance every month - which leads onto a year long distance-covered target. Its usually used to describe a companys big business or philanthropic goals, but the term is just as relevant for your workplace fitness challenge. reward budget to health benefits and ensure employees do not defer care because of The beauty of fitness challenges is that when done right, theyre a ton of fun. a certain number of laps or amount of time). to offer by providing premium access as a prize. of benefits. 71 Feature in a company newsletter or signage around the office, 74 Temporarily re-name a conference room (or something else in your office) after the participant for bragging rights, 75 Video shout-out or handwritten note by CEO or other company executive, 77 Create a custom Slack emoji with a company-wide shoutout, 78 Give a professional endorsement on LinkedIn, 79 Dinner with the CEO or other company executive, 80 Order a Cameo of someone famous in your industry (or a favorite celebrity). Bonuslyallows its members to create fully customizable challenges with topics that are relevant to their personal interests/needs popular themes include optimal nutrition, stress reduction, weight management, financial wellbeing, resilience, sleep improvement, safety, tobacco cessation, and social causes but the possibilities are endless! The Streak & Stick to It modes in MoveSpring are a great way to measure consistency and stay on top of your goals. 5. For IncentFit clients, we can automate the purchase and distribution of gift cards to your employees! The team with the highest daily activity average wins. ), Haslett Express, a logistics company in Chicago, held a similar walking challenge. employees. Happy Stepping! Make it fun! Jun 8, 2016 - Explore Lisa Watkins's board "Challenge Group Themes & Prizes", followed by 173 people on Pinterest. In many cases, focusing in on your particular business, audience, and what industry you fall under is the best way to go. Date night package, including gift certificates to a restaurant and movie theatre, Bottle of special wine (for customers over 21), Gadgets or tools related to your business (garden tools for landscapers; golf apparel for golf course or golf shop), Gift certificates to popular wedding vendors (like a local florist, photographer, and dress alterations specialist), Two backpacks filled with school supplies, A shopping spree for back-to-school clothes, Tickets for entry to local corn maze or haunted house, Services to pick up scary amounts of leaves, Gift certificate for grocery store or florist, Tickets to local special events like Polar Express train ride, Nutcracker or other musical performance, Gift certificate for gym or personal trainer, Donation to local charity your business supports, e.g., food bank or animal shelter, An upgraded membership (like silver to gold, or having more free classes) for a certain period of time, Items from the business that customers would typically have to purchase like clothing, Several sessions of coaching or consulting, Several months of a membership, if applicable, Membership to complementary services, like a social media marketer giving away a year of ShortStack, Free marketing materials, like customized business cards, Reservation to an exclusive event, like a New Years tasting menu, Catering for an event (this can be small like a Thanksgiving dinner or enormous like a wedding), A dinner and a movie package, including gift certificates to your restaurant, a local bar, dessert, and a local movie theater, A gift bag of everything new parents need, including bottles, swaddling blankets, and bibs, A shopping spree at a store like Target or ToysRUs, Essential furniture like a changing table or a toddlers bed, A tool or accessory thats relevant to your business, like a yoga mat carrier, a new pair of boxing gloves, or a set of kettlebells, A package of nutrients or supplements, like quality protein powder or protein shakes, Gym or studio membership for several months, A subscription to home workout plans or videos, A gift certificate to a business like PetSmart or Chewy, An engraved, leather collar or leash that will fit their pet, A puppy-preparedness kit that contains things like puppy-safe toys and bitterapple, A photoshoot with the winner and their pet, A gift certificate to home improvement stores like Lowes or Home Depot, Furniture, like an outdoor table and chairs or a kitchen table set, A landscaping plan and installation package, Professional cleaning service for three months. Choosing a prize for your social media contest can be surprisingly difficult. Get in touch with us to learn more. Reward employees with a month of Class Pass so they can select a fitness class theyll interested in. One simple way to do this: encourage them to start walking. Also, having a catered Click on the sections below to jump right to your specific question. For more info visit: Privacy Policy & settings. Even within our own group we received a mix of feedback on our own walking challenge. By definition, a BHAG is a stretch goal. The good qualities of the program have long-lasting benefits while the negatives are points that can be addressed and solved. Glitches or technical delays in reporting steps to Walker Tracker was a problem for some. Support your local businesses by opting for gift cards to local shops, restaurants, or cafs), 44 Tech (For example: headphones, portable charging batteries, Bluetooth speakers, instant cameras, or tablets). back to wellness whenever possible. If you speak jargon, you might know that the acronym BHAG stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Certificates for participating in a wellness challenge provide employees with a Leverage existing resources or individuals in your organization to recognize participants uniquely. The gift redemption process is designed to be a fun, interactive For IncentFit clients, we can automate these donations for you! activities. Company Swag Ideas Employees Really Want they may not have otherwise tried. Read on to learn more about this topic! For a continuous program, an employee Walking challenges are only one way we drive employee engagement. You can show recognition to your participants with any budget. Includes 10 bonus ideas you cant find on the blog. If possible, employees can use an activity tracker, like a Fitbit device, to track their data. An average person in the United States takes 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day (about 1.5 2 miles), and most walking challenges motivate participants to take at least 10,000 steps in a day. American, "downtime replenishes the brain's stores of attention and motivation" and Theyre also a healthy and thoughtful way to show employees you care. Nutrition apps such as MyFitnessPal and mindfulness/meditation apps such as Headspace first-come, first-serve basis, have employees improve their health to qualify for them! Terms and Conditions Weve got prize ideas based on time of year, holiday and even business category. If your prize is creative and cost-effective, even better. Like many of the reward options, this For The Benefit Company, our walking challenge is a successful part of our well-being initiatives and we will continue it. steady state cardio was the norm for a lot of people when they worked out, however, in recent years, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has become increasingly popular. A Harvard Business School study found that empowering employees to support causes of Action Step: Create an Employee Fitness Panel. All Rights Reserved. Wearable devices, such as Fitbit and Garmin, make healthy living easy and fun. Financial health and wellness continues to become an area of focus for employers. outside of formal work settings. It's proving to be a real motivator as the one with the lowest steps gets the turtle for the week. These prizes Experiences can be especially effective in team challenges as an additional team-building exercise that's sure to be a good time. challenge, you could also provide an extra 15 or 20 minutes of lunch break to participants who would like to join a daily Most commonly, this means creating badges or rewards that team members unlock by hitting milestones. A more focused study demonstrated that ROI was closer to 6-to-1. It is a great way to link a This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Encourage employees to share their progress with others to help keep them motivated. The Leaderboard, Journey, and Target modes on MoveSpring are ideal to measure individual achievement. All Rights Reserved. Aside from bragging rights, they'll sure have a lot more to brag about. Employees are sure to love this because it takes the hassle out of nutritional cooking. The Benefit Company can put your organization on the path to success. For employees who have a portion of their wages deducted to pay for their share of a tangible item to reflect their accomplishment as well as something they can share with One office buys inches of duct tape with their miles. It doesnt have to be high tech! Chiropractic care is not just for people with back pain. The key is that your walking challenge be tailored to your organization with some trial and error and employee feedback. more likely to enter inflated numbers simply to win the prize. You can also check out this guide for setting up your first company fitness challenge. The more ways they have to participate and engage, the more chances they have to win! 1,123 likes, 89 comments - Victoriam Performance LLC (@victoriam.performance) on Instagram: "Who is ready for the next 1stPhorm Transphormation challenge? Challenges lasting too long will drag and lose momentum. The biggest drawback to providing gift cards is that it must be generic enough to be valued by any participant. "encourages productivity and creativity." You wont know until you ask. Unique Gifts For Employees You don't always have to shop or spend for the perfect reward! Provide employees with allows them to earn $1 per day (up to $20 per month) in HSA contributions. . Nectars employee recognition and rewards platform allows companies to create wellness challenges that are tied to rewards like gift cards or company swag. Delight your participants with more than just "stuff"; give them an experience they'll never forget! (Try one of these templates). Many medical professionals claim that chiropractic appointments are good not just as for symptom treatment, but for preventative care as well. a great prize for employers wanting to promote social interactions and teamwork amongst Keep Step Challenge Simple. The bigger issue with providing cash awards is that, for self-reported, honor system challenges, your participants may be from clinical visits to personal care goods and services. Prizes can be tiered accordingly, ranging from t-shirts to gift cards. Why? Download The Definitive Guide to Staying Active at Work., Amanda Natvidad | 05/04/18 | 2 Minute Read, Lindsey Hyslop | 04/25/18 | 3 Minute Read, If youre one of the many employers with a corporate wellness program, youre likely looking for new ways to motivate your workforce to get active. Make sure to bookmark this one so you can have it on hand year-round! Therefore, a Be careful with running too many challenges, as you may end off having to fight challenge fatigue. Walking meetings are a simple way to add step challenges. Do all the things you do in marketing your products and services to clients and customers but focus on your employees. Services like Blue Apron and Hello Fresh can help employees eat better. Toll Free: 800.837.0650 hard-earned wellness reward on any item they would like. It is difficult to recover from a false start. Doing physical activity as a group is a great way for employees to bond outside the office. Awesome! Use electronic Visa gift cards to give employees the ultimate freedom to spend their A well crafted prize shows employees that you know their interests and motivations. People Also Ask These Questions When Creating An Office Fitness Challenge, Nectars employee recognition and rewards platform. Easily save it on your computer for quick reference or print it for your companys next Wellness Meeting. The Benefit Company is a leader in well-being programs and employee benefits advising. Game mechanics are highly motivating. By customizing, you'll get folks excited to participate in future challenges! When creating a reward strategy for your company step challenge, you'll want to decide on a couple of key points upfront: Budget is a big thing to consider starting out. rewards. It's Personalized Create a beautiful fundraising page for your fundraising walk, run, or ride with simple tools to upload images and videos. Every time an employee uses a discount, they will have extra dollars medical expenses that arise as part of the high-deductible health plan, and since the WALKING CHALLENGE: PRIZES WALKING CHALLENGE: PRIZES What are the prizes? If you want to start a wellness program in your company, launching with a step challenge is actually a great idea. It is our policy to provide equal opportunity to all applicants and to prohibit any discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, disability or protected veteran status. It is often difficult for employees to find time to interact with company leadership The Benefit Company is an equal opportunity employer. give back to causes they support while working on living a healthier life. In goal based walking challenges, a participant may strive to hit a target number of miles (or kilometers, if you use the metric system) distance covered during the challenge period (usually weekly, or monthly), or simply strive to take a total amount of steps during the challenge period. employee financial health. A: The best way to incentive a corporate fitness challenge is to offer prizes for the winners. Administrators should create a communications plan prior to launching any walking challenge to inspire employees to get active constantlyand reminding participants of the prizes and rewards available!
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