armchair expert transcript

Now. We check in three months later with both contestants: Aaron has a girlfriend, septoplasty, lasik and colonoscopy while Charlies arms are back to looking huge. How would you know you're also so distracted that, you don't have to deal with any of the existential crises your wrestling with mentally, because it's so distracting and so consuming, there's relief in that and then when it ends it in so abruptly that now we're back to like. I don't want to miss out. Oh I've assessed that this person's higher status than me or better than, me, and then I give them the like me and then again. I love Halsey too, and I really like her as a person. [00:00:16] Oh, I feel bad. I like that she compartmentalize the name. How old is she, team, no she's like polyvinyl you, twenty twenty seven, ray. I hope something happens in you get better in the next fifteen seconds before you have to go back out there, This is not going to cut it, so I'm not going to cut it. Are you know, teaching me new techniques for brushing cause they're. Rachel tells us about her new podcast, the time someone broke into her house and took a poop in her bathroom, and Rachel & Monica bond over the Bachelor. does it was just right? How romantic I am look at is disgusting alley. Announcement right now. crack yeah yeah yeah. I think it's cool. You know it's funny. What is even the point of anything you know that was about the process was like. Probably the years later, I dug it up and was reading it. You know what I mean, which is kind of cool you're healthier than me, because I said oh wow, yes, let's date and maybe I'll think, I'm great afterwards and then. My thing, If you end a sentence with- and I would fuck him so you could go like oh deck, yeah he's a dumb ass and he's so selfish, but I'd fuck him. It reminds me of what we say in AA, which is alcoholics and attics. I can't be baseline if I don't know what my baseline is because of drugs because of trauma because of gas lighting because of PTSD, because, as you know, in this kind of world one. I sure am speaking, of musicians, MAC Miller, building day job. You had nothing to do with it, but I'm giving you full credit fox, their that looks like Delta. It didn't feel like it had any substance. Walter explains the three great innovation revolutions of modern times, how transformative Jennifer Doudnas gene editing work is, and how she used her knowledge of CRISPR to help with the fight against covid. I felt the exact same. So with some questions, Monica what's age given to me well, it started. When I get coffee. navigated artfully. I move through the world very much like eighty percent of the people, trying to fuck me, it's not going to happen on my watch and came to find out years later. Every aspect of life, was an opportunity to like cleared ten percent profit any at all. I love them, but they were like just completely like unaware of my existence unless they were yelling at me for being in trouble. the door like this doing that whole time yeah. yeah pit stops no you'll, stop at the bar egoism, stuff for gas. One fuck, like you know what I mean it's like. You know, I think-, it was in the last couple years. Yeah. the way that I am as a performer today, because every time I move to a new place, I invented a new persona yeah. I. from an experts bucks to get here now for a limited time. If you have decided to be attracted to me, sir, actually I'm better than. They have been counted on more you're, very deceptive. I definitely agree. That's what it's called. I'm not listening to any of this, like you know, romantic. I guess you know it's funny spending, because I did think about that when I started a lax approach. Ben Schwartz (Parks and Recreation, House of Lies, Middleditch and Schwartz) is an actor, comedian, writer, director and producer. this year for a child to do all my friends. First, to tell me I'm at I'm not getting being really serious. With some episodes lasting 2+ hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors. everything they need is inside each colorful create, so your child can start right away key. I really like this about myself and then you're, like. I found there's pretty much an ass for every seat. continue. Why I went oh yeah. You, because you're, a loser, kazoo like me, can literally then you're fucked insisted cycle not to shift gears to dramatically, but I do think it's interesting that you say at seventeen is when you kind of had this budding into womanhood and feeling attractive. I don't want to spread it so instead, a pop boom boom, just simple touch anywhere on the spout. Now I just if you for your name that everyone knows you as is associated with something in your pass. If you, haven't heard amongst genes. Listen to this episode from Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard on Spotify. Anna and Dax talk about apologizing after having fights with . We are supposed, smell right now, I'm wearing a holiday sent right now, Oh my god, which one from native called sugar, Oh I'm telling you what the holiday season is right around the corner and we're all getting in the Spirit and indulging in the sights and sounds and sense of the season. Okay, like can you think of anything that this might write? Does he read everyone's knows in it were just forced? She was not even one here, No, she was yeah no yeah October, two thousand and fifteen yeah. I'm joined by Monica Monsoon. I want you to be a great business woman and I turned into a lawyer instead or something because I'm constantly arguing arguing my way out of everything with him. I know she was very far fought. Yes, so now and then I thought man if Ruth Bader Ginsburg was still alive. an older guy in you're like oh, he must leave me because I'm so mature and then you have to like years later. My mom is like this fucking sick, grunge, chick she's, fucking. It was a cute one yeah we like right, so it's called eight. Okay, so why are you ugly once your-, proof. It sounds weird like working in an area like Ashley. My great obsessions is as a kid scene. Let her go so I made a mega. He looks a lot like delta, with her pizza to looking at. The kids in the neighborhood said that the old one. I cannot stand moving the house that we are about to leave, and then for sixteen years as the longest, I ever lived anywhere by a factor of four or five and I feel so safe there, and I would have never left, I just Wouldn'T- have left, I didn't care. I have some all sure why codes which right hundred hundred pounds. No one's gonna give me that, but me yeah, that's a bomber! I just remember that, the winner at the time. I would be so happy. On "Armchair Expert," as in real life, Mr. Shepard is inclined toward self-analysis of his insecurities, motivations and shortcomings. a lot lately and I thought you'd enjoy it. fuckin asshole and then I don't feel bad for that was just like fuck. This is their biggest assail the year years. raised it and raised it and raised it, because there are people that are excluded right, like Brad Pitt was exclude. [00:00:08] I like it. More than a decade of sobriety, a degree in Anthropology and four years of improv training. Why me, fact. Yes, not everyone is kind, not everyone's. Scott Galloway (Adrift: America in 100 Charts, The Prof G Pod) is a professor, author, and podcaster. I think it sounded like. or like what spark you look like shit, you're, fucking, you're, not doing anything like you're. You should be sad, which was the second lead single off my last album and the hook of it is. the darkness without really any, as we would say in program solution like where's the solution and so you're in a great place to be authentically related. I would pick far I think I'll pick farts tell here. state on the page and it has to be reduced to something is frustrating yeah yeah, but it's will take. It was like. All my rates of consumption for those records are based on a time when streaming wasn't really lucrative. That was a sore subject came out like that I'll tell people to a blue in the face it yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine! Are you not supposed to say Hamlet out loud? Were you aware that that was a paradigm shift or that this was new? And it's on me to figure that out so it just you gives you a different set of glasses, just very just very probably, and probably not, and I don't, of course, at the time didn't realize that transformation had happened. The number eight, the number eight right. What do you mean? Sell me this pen thing, oh sure, sure. I need to use also mention that my dad is like a very huge lovable black man. No one would want to be in and I am fucking making it look good like. Can I just gonna, come, on him like an acid peel. Oh shit, yes, idea. Alright, thank you! had a heart attack in a bowl of spaghetti and he died with noodles up his nose. Can I pitch you a really quick idea? because we ve never felt valuable commented that hot yes for you now hot. In my life, where, like I haven't showered didn't we, having a blanket over my head, it's like three in. how the hell with it would seem like they just took that clear and they used to have halibut toe assesses the sunset tribe pitfall of acting, but you notice the. when there are by no editorial sleep over his boys, laid there. Like I'm obligated, to tell my story- and this is my story- not that song in particular- but just your music also is very honest about having mental health issues and trauma and all this stuff I started noticing it when I became sensitive to it because post that really. If someone fast forward through a song of you, that's fucking. You don't see the sun, the turbo strives underground. You know what I mean: it's nice to have people as a point of reference. And before we move on to how hideous and discussing you are as a child, which I'm sure you are just please ask, Monica, her dating profile. I was like I'm invincible. If you have any single friends or you know your age. I think one could have it's incredibly personal and I six stuff I could probably never get away with singing, because it's like either two depressing or, who boring you know. I think there is actually more than this, but, my father's old cars. 51K Followers, 1,165 Following, 973 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Rob Holysz (@wobby_wob) just imagine, mean and they'll be jaws of a rations mid coitus, it's gotta be exhilarating, and my question of course is: do you think you would run out to Trex? Your vision. Let's go shortly, everyone's doing that, but just, what a revolution harry thing now that in music people are really telling the reality of two or at least voicing their concern, or they now in pops beset, it's such a difference. I just wanted to see. Amy discusses the expectation for women to come at success with a sense of humility, how much her moms encouragement and dads attention affected her confidence, and the time she tried to be a third to Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet. What a pleasure. Transcribe your podcast [00:00:00] Welcome, welcome, welcome to armchair expert experts on expert boy, do we have a tasty expert today. You probably live in a fifty. Then I ain't bad breath. I q or you can just tap it with your elbow, turn it on, and then you don't have to sit on the plates would messy hands in turn on and get the false messy and then have to be worked on the vast. Halsey joins the Armchair Expert and the two bond over vaping, ranch-style homes, and both having car salesman fathers. God bless them. John joins the Armchair Expert to discuss his DM to Dax about loving the podcast, his fear of putting himself out there and giving 100%, and the time someone tried to set him up with Kristen. I think as I'm twenty six, so you know once I kind of garden to the point of like having. I called it. No, no okay, so they're saying the Pacific theater yeah. I also wanted to sell him. Well now I know so it's like not to live vicariously through someone's death, which is like a weird, paradoxical statement, but you know it kind of gave me that perspective. She coined she'd have these fantasies about being on the train and she would just fuck, stranger, okay, it's funny. No, maybe not, maybe not. That may be is not healthy. The zip was far, you remember. I'm thinking, I would fucking there a couple of years later. Now it's called like blue blue velvet fact. I imagine because of the economics of streaming and whatnot. I knew kids in, junior high that they would swallow a ton of air and then produce farts. If I were you, I would say no, I don't want you but, Do you want to read one of the bombs? I wanted a match her and then I just had, honey hair on the other side, and I thought this is crazy. Can I raise your question if it's a success, we need to open more locations. U brethren, etc. Can I told you I'm gettin up there? Now? You feel really healthy and good teeth. This is utterly confusing for me: yeah yeah yeah, your dad was in the carbon, he was in the car game. Oh my god, you're sitting outside your house market. Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard Gloria Mark (on attention spans) Gloria Mark (Attention Span) is a professor, author, and researcher. No, oh, I thought. Sam Pollard is an Emmy Award-winning and Oscar-nominated director and producer. This is going to carry out this I'm going to latch on to this. I was sexy. our point presentation and then, from that moment on, I just argued my way out of absolutely everything with my father. It would be so nice or as if you had real chronic halitosis halitosis, and then you are also the phased of hell, but toes everywhere you at the airport, people public stay away from that person and then they be right to buy. insecure. I was like all quarantine. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform. Could you give me a picture of? It's so funny, to say that about Bukowski, because whenever I felt terrible about my. Can I can barely, control my own emotions, and now I'm trying to control the emotion, a person who is not dealing with logic and reason way that I'm familiar with so now, I'm questioning my own perception of reality, because I can't control myself. I remember you said you guys. Welcome! that's why I wrote a book well what it forces you to do. built a moon rover. hold on one second hold on us. Firstly, are like a lack of stability. I have deep Tao romanticism about it. Ten miles on the you can do anything you want. If I stay in this relationship is getting to a point now and reflecting and going. You know like that. Yes, I was in these situations that were physically quite threatening order, Juris, as you say, crack houses and on the surface that looks very dangerous as it is, but the fact that the drug gives you a very predictable emotional state, regardless of your surroundings. Ben joins the armchair expert to discuss starting off in improv comedy, how Eugene Cordero is the funniest person in the world, and dancing with Dax at a pajama birthday party. Ok now get resting on stage you know, and then you do that you release at all and then it's the same thing over every gun. I wrote some poems I'm putting them out. Like you know, everyone's are starting to become like sexual, confident they come in. you're very favorite movie is carried out, I will hunt this fucking sullen is called, saw me and it samples goodwill. one of the first steps of doing that was removing myself from a situation where there is. 0:00:00 Well, come on the market, an arm chair, expert, I'm deck Shepard who joined by Monica bad man held ok, so people like Duchess Duluth they wanted to be minister of mice. Hence the act being known, a blue flame. Ok she's, twenty six, twenty six. Jamil Zaki (The War for Kindness) is a professor of psychology at Stanford University and the director of the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab. tease and everything. Rupert discusses the birth of his daughter during the pandemic and Dax explains why you never fight a redhead. There is a quote from the Jared Cohen episode I want to share with someone and I am losing patience on trying to find it again. I've actually had to start like going through some of my son. Don't talk about drugs around me? Ok. a motorcycle injuries than these aren't ideal. Friends immersing yourself in books, learning all of your life lessons. How do you know you're? There is no spark like bitch fucking call your doctor. The every time I take a naked photograph of myself, I have a moment where I look at it and go if this send it up on the internet. and you love them more than anything in the world and you I don't want to. girl, so you are seven years older than her. Stuff that stuff that I loved, when I was seventeen and are drugs are cool, was a little a little bit a content shift for me. LATEST EPISODES See What's New. I can't all ok, some people can. Prince Harry joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how to approach mental health issues, growing up with privilege, and how healing it is to perform a service for someone. We listen to haul now you're talking to me and you're, like you, can't, listen to her way, the opposite, their dad's, a one. rational. You know, I got to say about you. I right literally everyday. I think, because it puts a positive connotation on a heinously, tragic event, but it gave me the courage and the faith, to leave the relationship I was in. Thank you for setting. I think one of the best things is that I spent most of my life ugly, because I still feel like an ugly person. You can, the present and the United States, or you can be a cashier s shop right, but wherever you do, you better be the best Damn Kashmir in the shop right. We, U R her grandpa! You already felt like you check that box. I then decide of their not as good as I. no, I thought you were so cool and so smart and funny, and then he descended you're interested in me. you again suitor I want it fairer Minnesota. and then next year I'll go. Later, we'll also have some questions from the audience! I do, and this is my life and people care about what I have to say and they can then they impostor syndrome creeps just waiting to be exposed, economic staring in the mirror. in your tongue or your diet is a mess, but then I'm sure some people are just genetically okay, but also when I went to my really awesome new dentist that I like, yes, but I might get bananas from her. They eventually give up. Oh, I don't remember if I liked him like, I can't go back in time. I know many people who can do it. I can isn't that shot that is shot. The pair big coming this pen saw me this pen, and I know this is a car salesman thing that has car salesman, energy policy, which is very very parallel to beady. Eleven I like are in this animal tests, and I like that, take it or leave it urinary like now and so so, teaches you like you're, essentially branding yourself, you ve come up with a one line or on a movie poster totally, worst kept secret yeah. This offers only going through cyber Monday that six grass FED grass finished eggs for free in your first box, just gotta Butcher box doc. in two thousand and five. Foods in a shopping. There's you know, dopamine nor pan african serotonin fuckin Russia being on stage physical element where you're like pushing yourself physically for two hours with great work out. Ah my saw, maybe hopefully, said, does anyone here really have halitus system than and then someone said yeah me and that there were no alleys there, because those of you get famous for being in a halitosis commercial and then people meet you, they would be like. He didn't got sober, which was great, and we were sober together at one point, which was great, but he was super alpha and aggressive, and I was a burgeoning alpha aggressive, person and I did not like to be first star. I was ugly into last year. Thank you for that. This will be my thing. My whole life does your dad and carbon, Yes, I always tell stories about how, when I was growing up, out with him with such a headache, because we never got home from anywhere quickly, because he would always run into someone he sold a car to defend, we'd be in the grocery store and, unlike thirteen, you know just a complete brat and don't want to be there and then I'm going to get there, I Toyota, the joy or and I'll be like I'll who the hell is this woman and this be enabling a solar, Chevy, suburban. I just did like to be dominated by males cuz. This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. I cried, one Wednesday. So I was living in New York before, but this is the longest time I've ever been in one place ever okay. Did you find it? and I didn't want my mom did I too so I hid in my room and I cried because I was eight and a murderer. I'd also argue that you. He worked filing away bills and cards and coupons, and he would ask me questions quiz me and give me a piece of bazooka gum for every question. You, like you, wanted to, me see if I can think about it. Is you get really anxious and you get into situations where you have no control, and at that point there is a departure that goes either one of two ways it goes into. I literally where I'm at right? We can't move on without because young women are listening, this, and I have them think that actually I prefer to be, now everyone we now do. Energizer will send you a five dollar reward. Yeah you couldn't help, her like a little baby. sure and powers of organization, laterally lovers or something no, it was way cooler than oh. Most people, don't they focus on their tongue which, as we all know, you just said, Andrea. [00:00:10] I'm so thrilled with how bowled over you were with his. John Stamos (Full House, Big Shot, ER) is an actor and musician. My debut album is double platinum, but my royal. The zip was thought that was the praise. Have you had even like the second layer of that which is? I don't know. Oh other people, might hate this about me, though you have that in perspective, that's definitely a fun one to get into yeah and now, having moved to all these schools, which again I did a handful of times not nearly as bad as you, that's a rough experience. Instead of that, making me feel better about myself. Listen to this episode from Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard on Spotify. His podcast Armchair Expert, where he and Monica Padman explore the messiness of being human, is one of my favorite things to listen to. The buck crack realise how much of the air is travelling perfectly in the buck crack. Can I give you a compliment sure you never have hello? It's not just like. It's really cool about what I, do is that I'm so open about literally everything that happens to me and I think the greatest. Walter joins the Armchair Expert to discuss his work as a biographer, that it's important to remember that all people are human, and how much more inspiring they are when you realize that. Russia forgotten my die when he heard all so brush your top, your palette to it so uncomfortable inside honourable I've. I've not followed it, but it's true yeah. They saw all objectivity you can tell by the amount of rubber bands on her arm, but she's, not even wanting. I really that's what got me thinking about Mackinaw, but anyways would leave me if I could and it's a book of poems and you had always written poetry right as commensurate with certain erect me. season to celebrate moments of wonder and discovery and with key we co seriously fond and innovative crates. That night. We code dot com, that's fifty percent! Which is basically like just take what you can, and run like hell right, like the only objective, was to turn some product moves them units and make some money, and I totally bought into that- and I have been confronting it for a long time, but you're dead, saying that he passed on to you like. Like decorated my Tuesday championships, one, two, okay, so two state championships and an Emmy nomination, thrice decorated. That was also one of the things for me too. I think you write when you're in pain, cuz. It is because it's scary, but it's also like again like we said I don't think I'm Bukowski. She was showing me. Rather I catch myself and I think there is some element of older people that listen to the current music and think it sounds a little victim and not a ton of self responsibility or owners, of of anyone's in things but you're doing that, and I applaud that and I think if people listen to the nuance, they'll find that I think music is a difficult thing because-, It goes actually we're just taking about. Yeah. He was really really wake you. . He created into a picture of himself as a base. Hooper had yet, directed and wrote a movie, I'm watching Hooper just happened, Oh, my god, I have almost shot for shot the beginning of Hooper, and sincerely had no fucking clue, but there. Obviously, because you know the casting director in the direct were like me up, he looks like he's, got bad breath, she's perfect or she looks like she, their candidates appropriately. I'm Dan Shepard and I'm joined by Monastir Mouse. I feel like an ugly friend. Dream. Though, do you want to sing about that resentment for the next ten years? So now I've shaded both sides, with this haircut and I was like that's not who I think I am interesting that I can go with lots of personalities. Halsey reflects on how she used to use her sexuality and how much more empowered her talents make her feel now. When I get out I've, and it's really tragic, is very very sad that he died. You look like well care. It was. The age ranges I want you, Monica was born and eighty seven, so she's thirty three. So then I had to go back to the drawing board and I would hope everyone would be lucky enough to experience that, and so I recognize it's a huge privilege, but also yeah. I was going to try to be Bukowski, so this other side. I got a follow up question about that. He was a smart as any man, and I believed him because why wouldn't I I was eight, I knew the George Bush would. I don't want to do stuff, sometimes and every two years I manifest whatever is going on in my life into a little fucking disc, and then they sell it for one thousand one hundred and ninety nine at target, and if people like it and they buy it and I'm like okay cool they like me and if they don't like it, and they don't buy it, then I'm like okay, no one likes me and that's like a weird thing to experience. I wonder if this is ok, atta care. This person has no idea about their help, a toast, bright or thereof. and I saw him once upon a time upon a time was like? of pimples on my nose and chin, and it was a real bummer for me. I think it was in people underestimate how much of the success of war is logistics. Maybe you knew it. Galileo. Robin discusses what he learned from the commercial flop of his first album and how his partnership with Pharrell started. meaningful and fulfilling relationships with adults and adults closer to my age. When I was three, I only saw him every other weekend. Always evolving and augury worry us with some tips. Oh. I hope, on a longer here my daughter shaped her sides. I walk you goin. I love that, idle. Where are your hair is longer than mine? I wonder if that's a good like I've had let's say some mum. Can I get you know and at a certain point now that I've gotten more successful? to. I wish we could do it again, so I might have to write another book just so. Sam joins the Armchair Expert to discuss growing up in Harlem in the 50s, his path into becoming a film editor, and working with Spike Lee. I'm fine! I didn't know, my friend's name is Charlie and I didn't know how I, could have gotten him in trouble, so I asked my mom how you could give someone a heart attack and she rubbed her head and stretch your feet across the couch and said if he has, like. Your favorite word is saw me. I was this like internet, thing that happened and there was a lot of them at the time, but none of them- and you went to number two right, I'm going to say it for you, I like to brag for you, so I went to number two yeah. What's up, I have been like. You know you are speaking directly into my to my sole right now. That's why I love MAX music, so much we're talking about writing about the bad and writing with. So when I start this new school, I'm going to be confident and I'm goin to be funny, and I'm going to be outgoing everyone's going to like me. No one, you know, is awake, you're, sitting alone on your phone scrolling through social media. Then that'll buy me another fifteen minute and they're like picking around in my test. It is for me, and that's the other thing too, is just like I write all my own music and because of the perspective, people have a pop stars, and I like successful female musicians. It's my opinion that if you use listerine you're going to be free of elatos, but I don't want to actually my dentist said: that's not true! Look at this ridiculous. a million diarrhoea or anti diarrhoea commercials, its generally guy in like a canoe, and he's a little overweight any as a talked in shirt and it's a little messy any that assurance messy, yellow, gets a little like on talked in error, it's all bag biology, tat with a really trying to, viewed on you as that, his a mass and always- and he, needs and anti diarrhoea medicine like about two Bismarck Pepsi today, see what else we got. Would your parents leave you guys? May being like Halsey. Anna joins the Armchair Expert to discuss her experience being in a toxic relationship, how she feels about the term "gaslighting," and her strategies in dealing with a traumatic event. Because everything's gonna be fine, is vulnerable yeah.

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armchair expert transcript

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