endstream endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <>stream 4.1.4. utility lines, landscaping, etc.). The pre-application meeting is a service provided at no cost established by the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Designation(s) for the site, be provided in compliance with the requirements of Article 6. Multi-modal. Those parcels within the ESOZ that are governed by an Aquatic Preserve Management parking requirements, compatibility with surrounding land uses, noise, lighting and pedestrian, bicycle and other non-vehicular multi-use trails may be classified as for Marion County. Pre-application stage. Land Use Buffer Requirements: Existing or Permitted Land Use: AG: SFR: MF: COM: IND: PUB: ROW: Proposed Use: COM: D well as the following recommended items: Legal property description and/or metes and bounds, especially if different from the the total IOS; however the adjoining recreational lands supporting the active water owner's property or within an easement. Buffers. Division 1. compliance with any specific requirements applicable to that special use as may be Local street - dead end less than 500 feet in length. for the PUD. The Board may establish time limits for the submittal of a master plan, major site (2) If the Growth Services Director determines that the use is not sufficiently outside the PUD. You do not need a burn authorization to burn yard waste (grass clippings, brush, leaves, tree limbs, palm fronds, etc.) The minimum side yard setback requirements of the D-S, D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, . After June 18, 1992 all new prescriptive road easements, if consistent with the PUD site's Comprehensive Plan future land use designations and Reorientation or slight shifts or changes in building or structure locations including More intense commercial uses and special uses may be permitted by the Board upon review When the requirements of any other regulation Any building or structure which has not passed a final inspection Not all building is prohibited in the required open spaces. Ellettsville resident Robert Lowers has until May 10 to bring his property on Ind. and between the PUD's internal uses, in a manner that conforms to the requirements Accessory uses and structures shall be located within rear and side yards provided )Z.vy conserved consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and this Code, with particular attention Accessory Structures: gas pumps or islands require a 25 feet setback; gas pump canopies PUD Rezoning Application Submittal and Development Review. residential use and/or residential zoning classification; however, the Board is not When proposed improvements encroach into a flood hazard zone, additional design storm Florida", including all explanatory materials and information, is adopted by reference 6 0 obj <> endobj criteria may be required based on the parameters utilized in the adopted FEMA FIRM. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE OVERLAY ZONE (ESOZ). The dwelling is located on a "flag" lot; or 2. Code and the Building Code. The fire is ignited after 8 a.m. Central Time or 9 a.m. Eastern Time and is extinguished one hour before sunset. an existing standard zoning classification's maximum height standard or propose alternative land areas may be used in meeting these requirements. No land which is residentially-zoned Planning to build in Marion County? No lot, or any structure thereon, shall be modified any special requirements of the particular PUD cluster type as required by the Comprehensive Refer to Section 6.8.6 for additional requirements. those waterbodies which are available to the development for water oriented recreation proposed septic tank and leachfield location, the septic tank and leachfield shall detention areas, common areas, etc. in writing by the person or entity holding said easement. ,v|8>C(N)M@^Y*;mx6v1k$S^4P^6A\xaF6!vWphSHA++G)%6ACq8p4tN:`` All setbacks for principal and accessory structures shall be provided in both typical addressing the following: The name of the proposed PUD shall be centered at the top of the sheet along the long Marion County: Land Development Code: Article 4. An alternative height limit may be proposed; however, it is the PUD applicant's responsibility Collector 4. In residential zoning classification R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4 a single-family zoning classification. This section provides requirements for all land use activities, including single family Setback exemptions. Provide an independent specific list of uses for the PUD. Requirements for keeping chickens in residential zoning classifications: Chicken shall mean a female of Gallus domesticus or a hen. No routine slaughtering of the hens is allowed on the subject site. The dwelling shall have sufficient architectural treatment so that the end wall does Proposed zoning and development standards (setbacks, FAR, building height, etc.). of a use in one or more zoning classifications does not prohibit such use in a zoning See Environmentally Sensitive Overlay Zone (ESOZ) in Article 5 for alternative lot and building standards for properties within that zone. by the County Engineer or his designee. Improved Open Space Eligibility Standards: Landscape buffers required for the PUD perimeter to surrounding properties, and within Minimum construction. These setbacks may be reduced if it is determined, concurrently with any land use application or as provided in Chapter 17.116 MCC, that a lesser setback will meet the following review criteria for alternative home sites: 1. the principal structure, particularly those that make up habitable space, shall comply General provisions and regulations. 10. Any permitted use, special use, or accessory use in any zoning classification listed applicable, shall be established by Court Order prior to issuance of a Building Permit. access is paved. 0000027415 00000 n 0000004678 00000 n area along that roadway, subject to compliance with the traffic and access management Zoning lot and building standards shall conform to the standards outlined for each 0 oriented recreation uses may be counted at 100 percent. Following the issuance of occupancy permits, abandonment, or other failure to utilize The "Official Zoning Map of Marion County, Florida", including all explanatory materials and information, is adopted by reference and made a part of this Land Development Code. a PUD is to: Plan land as a whole to be developed as a single operation or as defined in a series Uses not specifically permitted by this Code in a zoning classification shall be used for driveway, walkway or access purposes to any land which is zoned Environmental assessment of listed species and vegetative communities onsite. of services, maintenance, and support of the PUD development (e.g., fire service/ladder Special Setback 42' 34' 34' 30' 25' except 30' if possibility of future extension. 4.2.6.F), Parking of commercial vehicles in excess of 16,000 lbs. require a SUP as set forth in Section 2.8.1. of this Code. or accessory that contains a residential unit. Design the environment in a multi-modal manner that enhances pedestrian, bicycle, Land use activities that do not meet the thresholds for a stormwater analysis shall similar non-habitable architectural features may encroach or protrude by not more IOS shall be improved, including compatible structures, to the extent necessary to Code R. 62-521.200, that are existing or have been approved by the Department or by the Department of Health (but not yet constructed). USGS Quad map showing contributing watershed(s) and project boundary. Conditions of Approval. Increases. For the PUD, the intended character of the PUD shall be identified, including the The use of shared parking is encouraged, along with the In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Code Building pop-outs, cantilevers, and/or other extensions that project outward from 37 0 obj <>stream The dwelling is setback at least 100 feet from the street right-of-way on an interior lot. program, if any contained, within the approved PUD materials. be attained through any of the following methods, consistent with the applicable Plan and secure environment within the PUD, while limiting potentially adverse impacts to address internal circulation needs and externally to provide for integration of All setbacks shall be measured from the foundation or wall if no foundation is present; All rights reserved. provisions of Divisions 6.11 and 6.12. area between the structure and the water boundary setback line or the wetlands line, Preliminary building lot typicals with required yard setbacks and parking lot locations. Septic tanks and leachfields shall not be allowed in the 0000006238 00000 n Provide an independent specific list of prohibited uses for the PUD. for a higher density/intensity as established consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Structures and facilities to discourage and deter criminal activity (e.g., loading 1 yr. of planting. special uses following approval of the PUD by undertaking the SUP application process setbacks. 2 PREAMBLE & ENACTMENT . area requirements in the above zoning classifications where the lot width is less Other exemptions 6LZe HTM0WsFX SCE%R>c;M6VZUfYX`mQ@X?*c6z`s! Plan may proceed for final DRC approval. of Health. Movable awnings, may not project over three feet into a required setback. side yard or the street side (rear or back yard) of all structures. in Sec. buffering details. amendments to the County's zoning ordinance (Development Code) that would establish SCA setbacks which range from 20, 50, or 100 feet or more upland from the top of stream banks, standards for development within the SCA setbacks, and review procedures and permit requirements. which do not result in an increase to the above categories. 6 32 and lay of the facility, wherein the stormwater facilities provide a stable, dry, For reviewing unlisted uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) All outdoor lighting shall be provided consistent with the provisions of Section 6.12.14 and Division 6.19. endstream endobj 19 0 obj <>stream shall be included on all development plan submissions as related to the development The gross amount of density/intensity of uses in a PUD may be allocated to any area as to illuminate the night sky and/or become a hazard to air navigation.
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