6588 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3AEDF712C8D9B840876FCB4C5E9CA57F>]/Index[6578 25]/Info 6577 0 R/Length 67/Prev 359493/Root 6579 0 R/Size 6603/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream For construction activities where the land meets the water. An individual NPDES permit is site specific. RZcU`}H|2;O7y:^UTyVW++U`i{d Pm@^% V76Vzv M.-lXI|5$1}2D|77b LIc.~yDmfNU) @%(h^.P4q;C>R ;@P@Z!jbV"/a`qo[[gvWP[N-0{/C3Ec` b) Regulation of the construction, operation, and reclamation of mining operations for iron extraction. Personnel Training Form HWY6~#$RT! Permit coverage authorizes ballast water discharges provided the discharge is in compliance with one or more of the ballast water treatment conditions and all other requirements contained in the permit. Employee Training Log The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is the state regulatory agency responsible for the issuance of permits for various projects that may impact Michigan's environment. General permits contain effluent limitations protective of most surface waters statewide. In Michigan, EPA issues all NPDES permits on tribal lands. EGLE's interactive calendar is designed to provide timely information on decisions before the Director, proposed settlements of contested cases, administrative rules promulgation, public hearings, meetings and comment deadlines, and environmental conferences, workshops and training programs. An interactive map displaying contaminated sites throughout Michigan regulated under Parts 213, 201, and 211. Erosion Control, Sediment Control and Stormwater Management on Construction Sites and Urban Areas (Volume Three) Discharges of noncontact cooling water which complies with the temperature requirements of the Part 4 Rules of the Michigan Act 451. Summary of Changes, Forms for Coverage Working side-by-side with partners at local, regional, state and federal levels, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) safeguards our state's environment while supporting the economic growth and development crucial for Michigan's future. View and endstream endobj 131 0 obj <> endobj 132 0 obj <> endobj 133 0 obj <>stream The outreach events will be held at the following locations on the specified dates: Presentation slides will not be provided at the symposium but are available below for viewing and printing. Proper Line Buffer Zone Waiver %%EOF The checklist contains yes and no questions to help identify the types of activities at the proposed facility that require permits from EGLE. 0000007041 00000 n proposed) NPDES permits issued by EPA within Michigan. Please note that many records are available that do not require a formal FOIA request. 0000010585 00000 n 0 Our job is hard, but our mission is simple: to protect Michigans environment and public health by managing air, water, land, and energy resources. Poultry NCA400000. Through permit issuance and oversight, EGLE strives to facilitate environmentally responsible economic growth. Storm Water Discharges Associated with Special-Use Ares for Cycle Year 3 Watersheds. In the current program, applications under a general permit still undergo a full review and must meet all regulatory standards. "@bi F $"HQD YKg: *c DEQ performs thousands of compliance inspections each year. While Michigan's NPDES CAFO General Permit asserts DEQ's oversight of permitted CAFOs, DEQ has no regulatory oversight of land application practices by unpermitted recipients . Permits for structures, additions and septic systems proposed on properties in high-risk erosion areas. Instead of applying for an NPDES permit, the facility submits a form called a Notice of Coverage (NOC). the ISW General Permit changes they can expect when their C OC is re-issued. Monthly Spill and Leak Log Sheet 0000099079 00000 n Regulates the recovery and use of submerged cultural resources (shipwrecks and associated artifacts) and logs from Great Lake bottomlands. 0000053833 00000 n hbbd``b`$X. Hazardous waste facility construction and operating license. Contiguous Landowner Notification Form List of Regulated Phase II MS4s Our job is hard, but our mission is simple: to protect Michigans environment and public health by managing air, water, land, and energy resources. ?P;_\o, 112 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 116 /H [ 1927 610 ] /L 227239 /E 132937 /N 22 /T 224880 >> endobj xref 112 60 0000000016 00000 n SWPPP Guidance Manual The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has If you have questions or would like to schedule an outreach event for your organization, please contact us by e-mail atLRE_Reg_Outreach@usace.army.mil or by phone at (313) 226-7495. Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Emergency Planning and Community-Right-to-Know, Remediation Information Data Exchange (RIDE), Michigan Environmental Health and Drinking Water Information System (MiEHDWIS), Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division Data Explorer (Dataminer), Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests, https://dev.michigan.local/som/json?sc_device=json, Sign up for updates on a variety of environmental topics, Office of the Clean Water Public Advocate, Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate, Go to Water Operator Certification Programs, Go to Regulations, Laws, Rules, and Policies, Go to Emergency Planning and Community-Right-to-Know, SARA Title III-The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, Go to Remediation Information Data Exchange (RIDE), Go to Michigan Environmental Health and Drinking Water Information System (MiEHDWIS), Go to Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division Data Explorer (Dataminer), Go to MPART PFAS Geographic Information System, Go to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests, Go to State of Michigan Contact Directory, MiEnviro Portal formerly known as MiWaters, Storm Water Discharges Not Associated with Special-Use Areas for Cycle Year 3 Watersheds. Swine NCA200000. For information about submitting a petition for review of a final decision of a contest case, go to the Environmental Permit Review Commission Web site. Permits for the application of pesticides in waters of the state to control aquatic nuisances. Request for Termination of Coverage, General Permit and Related Information These sessions were intended for shoreline property owners, contractors, consultants, municipalities, and anyone with an interest in the Detroit District Regulatory Program. (*updated materials coming soon), Session 2: Application Workshop (*updated materials coming soon). @`E; 2DqA BH0}\ ,HB61012Lf`&1@ ? Recoverage Form Detailed Instructions, Supplemental Forms Monthly Visual Jar Test Form 0000132498 00000 n proposed) NPDES permits issued by EPA within Michigan. 6578 0 obj <> endobj Some records are exempt from disclosure under the FOIA or another statute and thus will not be provided. Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 138 of 1998. A fee may be charged to process your request. This is the official public website of the Detroit District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Locations where more stringent requirements are necessary require an individual permit. 0000053857 00000 n Public health/nuisance and other flying insect pests in this use category include mosquitoes and black flies. hbbd``b`! The site also allows users to search for and view upcoming public hearings and newly received permit applications. 148 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4DD145DBBF7DBE45B2CB05660BE13CA9>]/Index[130 37]/Info 129 0 R/Length 89/Prev 295215/Root 131 0 R/Size 167/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Review Process - View and Download, Michigan's PTI Application Review Industrial Activities Requiring NPDES Permit Coverage Construction permits for public water supplies. Michigan Guide to Environmental Regulations. Rule 2190, promulgated under Part 31, NREPA. Construction permit for a new public swimming pool or modification of an existing public swimming pool. Name Change / Transfer Form Imposes effluent limitations on discharge of pollutants into surface waters. . Regulation of the construction, operation, and reclamation of mining operations of nonferrous metallic minerals such as copper, nickel, zinc, gold, and silver. View and Download, Additional Information and Action Facilities which discharge storm water to surface waters of the state located within a cycle-year 2 watershed. 0000005165 00000 n Cattle NCA300000. preparing a complete application submittal - The items of this Air Permit System page were moved to the Air Quality Division Permits Internet Page on Michigan.gov. Mining Wastewater (Formerly: Sand and Gravel Mining Wastewater). 0000004176 00000 n Some documents require following a link to another page which may be served by an outside website. Below is an overview of the most common permits and licenses administered by EGLE. %PDF-1.6 % Michigan's current NPDES CAFO General Permit was issued on April 30, 2015 and expires on April 1, . EGLE's mission to protect Michigan's environment and public health by managing air, water, land, and energy resources is supported by environmental permitting. 80 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<736FE6C861C7F841AB5FAEB5B3368414><8F4B11E095605840AB2982FAF7239F88>]/Index[62 47]/Info 61 0 R/Length 89/Prev 47813/Root 63 0 R/Size 109/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream State (General) State-Specific Federal Regulations Local Permit Requirements Anaerobic digesters may be subject to local government permit requirements for a range of municipal issues, such as construction, zoning and stormwater management. The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. 166 0 obj <>stream Notice of Intent Form Hazardous waste and liquid industrial by-product transporters regulation. 0000011982 00000 n The 2022 CGP, which became effective on February 17, 2022, replaces the 2017 CGP. Land application of biosolids. Deliver vital engineering solutions, in collaboration with our partners, to secure our Nation, energize our economy, and reduce disaster risk. Certain electric generating units (EGUs) that sell electricity to the grid and burn fossil fuel are required to submit an Acid Rain Permit application 24 months before the EGU commences operation. 0000004611 00000 n Kalamazoo, MI 49019 8-11 Storage, treatment, or disposal of hazardous or solid waste Permit required for disposal, Corps staff is available to meet with your organization and cover topics such as working in regulated waterways, wetlands, and along shorelines; when a permit is required from the Corps, including specific requirements for projects typical of your area; how to apply for permits; and other services the Corps Regulatory Office provides. process. Regulates the operation and maintenance of solid waste disposal areas. Please see this link: https://youtu.be/64pANZS73EM. Recoverage Form View Discharges of wastewater associated with the operation and maintenance of public swimming pools, including pool overflow, periodic pool drainage, and treated pool filter backwash. Discharges of sand and gravel mining wastewater, including mine dewatering water and process generated wastewater. Annual SWPPP Evaluation Form, General Permit The Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides all persons (except persons incarcerated in correctional facilities) with access to public records of public bodies. The Detroit District Regulatory Website Review virtual outreach events focused on the resources available on our webpage for permit applicants, consultants, and those requesting Regulatory services. OPGP NOI Section E Tanks Ballast Water Control Port Operations and Ballast Water Discharges. Construction permits for structures and uses in Critical Dune Areas. MS4 Stormwater Guidance Manual (Draft) 0000003685 00000 n Wastewater Discharge from Municipal Potable Water Supply. D M A person with standing, including the permit applicant, can contest a permit decision made by EGLE. Union Township (within the Isabella Indian Reservation), National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Hannahville Indian Community Wastewater Treatment Plant, Gun Lake Tribal Gaming Authority Wastewater Treatment Facility, Saganing Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant, Hannahville Indian Community Reverse Osmosis Facility, Mt. These outreach events are a great opportunity for participants to discuss their project with Corps staff. Storm Water Discharges Not Associated with Special-Use Areas for Cycle Year 4 Watersheds. Session 1: Overview of General Permits: Terms, Conditions, & Review Process and The Complete Permit Application Event was held on Thursday, April 28, 2022, 6:00-7:30pm Below are the. View and Download, Permit Conditions Review Procedures - 9|,*Xh0V48b^\p$qnXI,K>PtK6 hgy 0; U6 ir MDEQ enSearch Online - EPD - Active Permit & Coverage Search The information contained in this report is obtained from MDEQ's enSite (electronic environmental Site Information System) System used by the Office of Pollution Control's , Environmental Permits Division Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Division OPC Environmental Permits Division Jackson, MS 39225, Physical Address Presentations and workshops are provided by Corps staff at no cost. Permits the construction of wastewater facilities. of Environmental Quality. Pleasant (Isabella Indian Reservation), Wayland (Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi), Isabella Indian Reservation (Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe), Watersmeet (Lac Vieux Desert Indian Reservation), Hannahville Indian Community (Hannahville Indian Reservation), Suttons Bay (Grand Traverse Indian Reservation). 0000005347 00000 n active) and draft (i.e. bzen87&~LI^%p_>zY~16C"{[?V+P"$N48B: RQ +~V:1/q`6.adNf{8%zS @k):'/zQz"}I BI d. ('D\h@?1A"#,&-4U.Cb A number of regulatory programs administered by EGLE provide the right to a contested case hearing. endstream endobj 63 0 obj <. Review Process Application Completeness Check - Monthly Site Inspection Form Request for Termination Form View and Download, Public Comment Procedures - View and Download, VSM Process Issue #1 - CYCLE YEAR 1 - NPDES ISW GENERAL PERMITS, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2016 . Modification Form EGLE's interactive calendar is designed to provide timely information on decisions before the Director, proposed settlements of contested cases, administrative rules promulgation, public hearings, meetings and comment deadlines, and environmental conferences, workshops and training programs. Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. It includes a self-assessment tool that can help identify the regulations that may pertain to your business/operation. An official website of the United States government. Notice of Termination Form V,xJH4|=f'1Q$|a}W2opfLS@*ry13&|*t"_RPfAzVup%nBxa rJA_-ag. Notice of Intent Form endstream endobj startxref We are now offering outreach events upon request in your local area. Jackson, MS 39201, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality. Storm Water Discharges Associated with Special-Use Areas for Cycle Year 4 Watersheds. 0000004248 00000 n Alter or alter their riparian shoreline button remove water-based plants without a DEQ permit However, time many areas of water statutory in Michigan can well established the the courts, the riparian rights of seashore objekt owners living on an artificial lakes throughout Michigan represent uncertain as the August 2015 due to twin current . Resolution Process - Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The workshop guides attendees through the steps of filling out an application and offers the opportunity to sit down with a Regulatory Project Manager to discuss proposed or completed projects. The State of Michigan defines riparian rights as "those rights which are associated with the ownership of the bank or shore of an inland lake or stream.". 0000004429 00000 n A complete list of all programs within the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Resources and information on utilizing RRD's data exchange and the Inventory of Facilities. Below are the presentation slides: "Special Topics: High Water Shoreline Protection and Permitting". and Look-See #1 Procedures - Permit requires implementation of a comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP). Discharges of storm water (and specified non-storm water) to surface waters of the state located within a cycle-year 3 watersheds. The limitations and requirements in an individual permit are based on the permittee's discharge type, the amount of discharge, facility operations (if applicable), and receiving stream characteristics. Part 303, Wetlands Protection, of the NREPA. No Exposure Certification Guidance Manual, Forms For Coverage Wastewaters that may be authorized under this permit include, but may not be limited to: potable water, filter backwash, filtration reject, decanted sludge dewatering water, influent screen backwash, contact and noncontact cooling water, dehumidifier water, sump drainage water, hydraulic valve operator water, pump seal water, water from hydrant flushing, and fire system suppression test water. OPGP NOI Section C External Combustion Sources A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Animal Feeding Operations that request coverage from the Department. Field Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control
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