most valuable spiderman comics from the 70s

The book has been climbing a bit over the past few years. All other copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and logos are the respective property of their holders. The issue has always been popular among collectors. The list we've provided has 200 of the most valuable 1970s comics. This comic book features the first appearance of Machine Man (originally called X-51) by Jack Kirby, who would become a mainstay in the Marvel Universe. It includes over 100 of the most valuable comic books from the 80s. There is a great deal of speculation that we will see Tigra in future Marvel movies or TV shows, causing Giant-Size Creatures 1 to climb in price in recent years. Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 (1970): First Appearance, Darkseid. Amazing Spider-Man #122 was one of the most important comic books in Spider-Man's history because this was the issue where Peter experienced thedeath of Gwen Stacy, a comic event that still holds up. Note that there is also a price variant that sells for much more. Hero for Hire #1:Origin and First Appearance,Luke Cage. This is mostly because the Punisher character is popular among the general public (non-collector) as well as comic fans. This comic still has some good value. Note that Werewolf by Night 33 has the 2nd appearance of Moon Knight and has some value as well. A CGC graded 2.0 copy of this book will usually sell for about $2,000 while a CGC 9.8 copy of this book sold for a record $96,000 recently. There is debate among the community as the character is called Rocky and looks somewhat different from his future appearances. The character would become a mainstay in the New Gods comic books. For one thing, Jack Kirby and Stan Lee separated for the first time in many years, with Kirby leaving Marvel for DC. The Punisher would later appear in a variety of notable films & television shows and become one of Marvel's most popular characters in the 1980s and 1990s. After the Comics Code Authority failed to approve Amazing Spider-Man 97 and 98, they learned their lesson and approved this issue as it shows the sidekick of Green Arrow, Speedy developing an addiction to drugs. The character would become important as she would be the constant love interest for Thanos in his quest to present her with all lives in the universe. 154 issues Home. Note that this is the first solo title for the character, but is preceded by Jungle Action. Neal Adams covers from the 1970s are always popular and this issue is no different as we have Superman in a classic pose. He has worked as a journalist for over 25 years, first in the world of print journalism before moving to online media as the world changed. Amazing Spider-Man #569 marks Eddie Brock's first appearance as Anti-Venom, a brand new take on Marvel's symbiote family. A classic cover doesn't hurt either. Green Lantern #76 (April 1970)Green Arrow Joins - Neal Adams Cover, See our Silver to Bronze Age Green Lantern Price Guide. Amazing Spider-Man #149remains a misunderstood issue,but that was because of what happened in the 1990s with the second Clone Saga. Previously, the title of most expensive comic book sold at Heritage belonged to the CGC 9.4 copy of Marvel Comics No. It's a very common book, though demand is strong. Use our. Star Wars 2 also has a 35-cent variant worth big money, but it needs to have a barcode. The comic is starting to go up as of late. Variants in the packaging exist, which can alter the value somewhat. The comic has cooled off a bit but can still sell for some cash. A good example would be Incredible Hulk 181. In this issue, a former Empire State football star returns to campus and finds some bad guys targeting him. InAmazing Spider-Man #82 by Stan Lee and John Romita Jr., the story focused on Peter trying to make ends meet only to find Spider-Man's villains getting in the way. The book doesn't seem valuable considering how important the character is. 2,099 sale records 836 available Mar 1963 Amazing Spider-Man #1; 1,320 sale records 244 available May 1963 Amazing Spider-Man #2 . Action Comics #1 - 1970: $300; 2019: $4,200,000. That means the whole of the 1970s was the next era, the bronze age, which lasted until 1985. Red Sonja makes her debut in this comic, and much like Conan, she was an instant success and even had a popular movie in the 1980s. Darkseid is hot and cold in the world of superhero movie rumors, butJimmy Olsen #134 is impossible in high grade. This comic book has the first origin story for Blade the Vampire Hunter. The character would become a regular in DC Comics and would join the Justice League on multiple occasions. Dave Sim's indie work is both highly regarded and difficult to find, even back then, and it's rare enough now to fetch quite the premium. The Mantis character we see here is very different from what we see in the movies. First Modern Black Adam (2nd Overall Appearance). Incredible Hulk #181 is the most valuable comic from the 70s. Giant-Size X-Men #1(1975):Origin and First Appearance, New X-Men Team, Record sale: $45,000Minimum value: $1,500, SeeGiant-Size X-Men #1 on the 100 Hot Comics List. Site Map|Privacy Policy|About Us|Contact Us|Home|ONLINE COMIC BOOK STORE. This magazine-sized book features the first appearance of Man-Thing. Click to see the lineup, Click for Bronze Age Comic Books #101 Through #200, Avengers #93: Kree-Skrull war begins. (If you see it listed online as Incredible Hulk 1962, remember that's when this series of Hulk comics started; issue #1 was in 1962, and issue #181 was in 1974. This issue features the first appearance of Shang Chi by Jim Starlin. Like Ghost Rider, this comic is also relatively difficult to find in high-grade condition due to the all-black cover. Note that issues 97-100 also have some value. Just like Curt Connors, who didn't want to be a villain, Morbius only wanted to survive. Dont fret. It's become even more popular with the newer Spider-Gwen character. After 2 cameo appearances disguised as someone else, we finally see the true form of the popular mutant Mystique. Molten Man is a much less rogue known in the Marvel universe however it does enjoy a certain fan base among the comic fans. 15 is . For many reasons, Luke Cage is a groundbreaking hero, and though his early content may not live up to modern sensibilities, he's still highly noteworthy and worth collecting today. All you need to do to find out the published date of a comic book is to look at the cover price. That one will be later on this list, but as you can guess from 181 topping the list, it's the one most people turn to. Harry and Peter had been friends for years, but Osborn had been starting to fall apart since his dad's death. This issue features the first appearance of the Elfquest characters by Richard and Wendy Pini. What if you took a character like Batman but crossed him a bit with a character like Wolverine and gave him a stand-out color scheme of black and white in an all-color medium like comics? This issue features the first appearance of the villain Korvac, and there is some speculation surrounding the character. The classic Frank Miller run of Daredevil (a personal favorite) begins with this issue. Incredible Hulk #182:3rd Wolverine Appearance, Most Valuable comic books featuring the Uncanny X-Men, Swamp Thing #1 (1972):First Solo Comic, Classic Bernie Wrightson Cover, Star-Spangled War Stories #151:1st Unknown Soldier, Savage Tales #1 (1971):First Appearance, Man-Thing, Jungle Action #5:1st Black Panther in Title, Most valuable comic books of the Green Lantern Silver Age run, Marvel Team-Up #1:Spidey and Human Torch; Spidey rescues Misty Knight, Amazing Spider-Man #100:Landmark Issue, old villains re-appear, Value of Amazing Spider-Man Comics #81 - #100, Detective Comics #400 (1970):Origin and first appearance, Man-Bat, Most valuable comic books starring Ghost Rider, Iron Fist #14 (1977):First Appearance, Sabre-Tooth, Conan the Barbarian #23 (1973):First Appearance, Red Sonja, Marvel Preview #4 (1976):First Appearance, Star Lord(Guardians of the Galaxy), Marvel Premiere #281st Legion of Monsters with Morbius, Most valuable comic books in the horror genre, Detective Comics #4051st League of Assassins, Night Nurse #11st Linda Carter in Role(See Linda Carter, Student Nurse #1 for first appearance)Record Sale: $27,600Minimum Value: $60, Most valuable comic books featuring Daredevil, Uncanny X-Men #98Jack Kirby and Stan Lee Cameos. While we did have a few magazines in this article, we didnt list most magazine-sized comic books. Same as our previous entry, this issue has Mystique appear, but only in a cameo disguised as another character. (If you see it listed online as Incredible Hulk 1962, remember that's when this series of Hulk comics started; issue #1 was in 1962, and issue #181 was in 1974. This allowed Marvel to tell many Spider-Man stories in the decade, and some of the most iconic moments in Spider-Man's history took place in those issues. Comics. The comic has been valuable for decades but seems to keep going up. If you have a collection of underground comics, then be sure to do your research as there are many printings of early issues. It's that pesky 35-cent variant that makes all the difference. Swamp Thing 1 has the character make his solo comic debut. Prices of this important Wolverine comic have risen exponentially. Note that there is a 30-cent price variant that sells for more due to being harder to find. You may be surprised to see which wins! This comic continues to have Mickey and Minnie Mouse engaging in unlawful activities. Runs and Sets of Major Characters. Fantastic Four 94 wasn't worth much for a long time, but the addition of Agatha Harkness to the Wandavision TV show has made the comic popular. What's Amazing Spider-Man #5 worth in 2023? The first Punisher has long been among the most valuable comic books of the 1970s. Shawn is also a published author, with a non-fiction book about the Stephen King Dollar Baby Filmmakers and has begun work on a new fiction series as well. Amazing Spider-Man 149 is part of the original Clone Saga storyline. A 4.0-graded copy sold for $30,000 on eBay in March 2019. Google's aggregators can mid-list the date sometimes.) If you have anything with a cover price of 50 cents or more, then it's likely that it wasn't published in the 70s, but rather in the 80s or 90s. Sub-Mariner 50 has gone up in value recently as it features the first appearance of Namorita. An overlooked comic for many years, this book features the first appearance of the villain Elric, who is a mainstay in Conan's stories. This was an important issue because Black Cat became one of Marvel's best female villains with her own solo series in 2020. Here is also a categorized list of comics that may have value. Jackal convinced Frank Castle that Spider-Man was evil due mostly to J. Jonah Jameson's newspaper stories, which had always portrayed Spider-Man as a villain posing as a hero to gain innocent people's trust. This comic has always been valuable among collectors and keeps going up in price. This magazine-sized comic can be tough to find and it features the first appearance of the White Tiger character. Make sure to look up values on multiple sites (ex: eBay, Heritage, etc) and always keep your expectations low. Werewolf by Night #32 (August 1975):First Appearance, Moon Knight. Singleton has hundreds of pricey and rare comic books, including Swamp Thing and Black Panther, as well as Batman, Bat Girls, Dark Knight, Captain America, and X-Men. These low-to-mid grade versions saw a 350% value increase during that time! Most comic price variants from the 70s have value. They might not be the easiest books to sell sometimes, but if you find the right buyer, then you can get some cash, depending on the issue. Comics with a cover price of 30 cents were published from 1976 thru 1977. This magazine-sized comic book has the first solo Kiss appearance in a comic book. This issue features the first appearance of Moondragon and starts the Thanos saga from Jim Starlin which would continue in the next issue. This issue also saw the apparent death of Norman Osborn as the Green Golbin seemed to die while fighting Spider-Man. First Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in Comics. It was a heart-wrenching end that emphasized the famed "Parker luck." Note that Wolverine doesn't look like the character we know, but the concept is there. What, then, is the 70s known for? The record-setting sale of this issue was a hair over $250,000, but you can find graded (and even signed) copies on eBay for only around $9,000 today. This book still seems a little underpriced to us, as it features the first appearance of a mainstay in the DC Universe, Firestorm. Use our grade consultation guide as well as our comic grading guide to determine the condition of your books. This comic has the new X-Men team make their first appearance in the regular title and begins a classic run from Chris Claremont. Comic book fans love a hero vs hero issue, which makes Thor 193 a desirable issue among collectors. Drawn by Jaunty John Romita, it shows Peter walking away from his career as a web-slinger, encouraging himself to be Spider-Man no more. Click one of the price boxes below to see our separate articles on these rare issues. Spider-Man made his first appearance in 1962, and by the time the 1970s began, he was one of Marvel's most popular heroes. Note that heavy inflation started in the 70s, which is why we saw cover prices start to rise. Spider-Man learned here that George knew his secret identity and asked him to protect his daughter. See values or buy and sell vintage comics at Goldin! . It is also called a "classic cover" by CGC (rare for comics from the 70s). This issue has the first appearance of Alpha Flight in a cameo. This comic features the first appearance of the sometimes underappreciated western character, Jonah Hex. After a long absence from Batman comics, we finally see the official return of Two-Face and he doesn't waste time becoming one of the most popular Batman villains. This UK-exclusive comic book features the first appearance of Captain Britain and can be tough to find, due to it not being available in the USA. He is the character who would become the Ant-Man in the Marvel movies, so it's easy to see why this book is in demand. Here we see round 2 of the classic Hulk vs Thing fight as the two brutes see who is the strongest in Marvel. There is a price variant for this comic worth much more. Another of the rare 35 cent variants makes its mark on the most valuable comic books of the Bronze age. A big surprise to see this book in the top 10 most valuable comic books of the 70s. In 2001, a copy of the comic book sold for $350,000. Amazing Spider-Man #86:Origin of Black Widow, Forever People #1:First Full Appearance of Darkseid. Incredible Hulk 180 features the first appearance of the Wolverine in a cameo on the final page. Sadly, this caused Gwen to blame Spider-Man for her dad's death. One to watch. Many expect big things from White Tiger. Invaders 7 has been going up late as it has the first appearance of two well-known characters, Union Jack and Baron Blood. Click for values, Amazing Adventures #11 (1972): First Appearance of Furry Beast. It doesn't include most magazines, runs/sets, underground comics, or manga. Amazing Spider-Man 119 has Spider-Man go against the Hulk and has a great deal of cross-appeal among collectors of both characters. Note that this issue is called a cameo by some, but it is the first full appearance of Red Sonja as she is featured throughout the issue. In general, the X-men weren't introduced in the 70s, but many of the now-iconic characters indeed were. If you find something like this, then just open the comic to the first page. This comic features the first appearance of Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur. It will be interesting to see the next price it fetches. Comics with a cover price of 15 cents were published from 1969 thru 1972. Widely considered one of the more emblematic issues of the Bronze Age, you can see right away that this era will be different than what came before. Joe action figures, which were doll-like in construction with interchangeable outfits. This comic has Scott Lang don the Ant-Man costume for the first time. Today the Ben Reilly character has become popular, so this issue has gone up in price. The Incredible Hulk No. One of the most-imitated is 1967's Amazing Spider-Man #50 . Any advice or opinions we offer (personal or on our website) should not be your sole means of research. In the 1970s and in the best 1980s Spider-Man comics, Peter Parker suffered through a lot of deaths in his life. In a CGC holder, this values the book in the $600-800 range. This issue features the first appearance of Wolverine in somewhat of a fan concept design, making it catch the attention of fans of the character. We won't go into detail about what is being said (we'll let you figure it out). The value comes from another detail you have to pay attention to as a comic collector, and that'svariants. The book has gone up over the past few years after the character became Thor in the Marvel continuity. Another very valuable comic book from the 1970s, Marvel Spotlight 5 has the first appearance of Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze). Black Cat is among the most valuable comic books of the 1970s and will remain there. This book is one of the rare titles to have only 1 writer/artist on it for decades. Of course, even worse in the 70s, media tie-ins were inevitable, and just a few short months after the film's release, the comic started up with Star Wars #1. Werewolf by Night #33 (1975):2nd Appearance of Moon Knight. We recommend grading this comic, especially if your copy looks nice. Top 60 Modern Age Comic Books by Market ValueWhich modern age (1990s-today) comics are worth the most? The popular character makes his solo comic book debut with this issue. The 1970s saw comic books taking a shift. The character hasn't made any major appearances in Marvel TV or movies, so this comic might have future potential. It doesn't sell for as much as the next issue but still has some value. Another of the esrly-70s black picture frame covers appears on the most valuable comic books of the Bronze Age. The second part of the story continues from Amazing Spider-Man 119. A private sale brokered by Tony eTrade Enterprises of Superman No. This book wasn't worth much for a long time but recently saw a bump in price. This comic has the first solo story for Black Panther and pre-dates Black Panther 1 by a couple of years.

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most valuable spiderman comics from the 70s

most valuable spiderman comics from the 70s

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most valuable spiderman comics from the 70s

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