neptune transits houses

You might find your ideals taking a more spiritual turn, thus involving you more in community and religious projects. See-through your ego and know it is not the real you; use it instead to protect yourself from harm and encourage others to express themselves authentically. Neptune Trine Neptune With the areas of life ruled by the house transit Neptune is touring in your chart, it can be so difficult to see whats really going on, and we can be easily fooled. Its crucial you, and those you associate with dont feed each others illusions at this time. On the other hand, others could manipulate you in your professional or home life to meet their own agendas. Insights into your deeper, more spiritual nature are available to you during this period of time. If you get too carried away or lost in the dream world, you can expect to be hauled back by some very personal inner confrontations. You have to be careful when choosing friends because there is a tendency to see them as you would like them to be more than what they really are. Especially if it interferes with your ability to do day to day things like progress in your career, pay your bills, spend time with your close ones etc. On the positive side, it can indicate a profound transformation of your thinking, especially an increase in your concern for spiritual truths and metaphysical disciplines. Still, these may be unavailable to you, which forces you to borrow or lend from people you know, which can potentially cause irreconcilable problems. Ideals and dreams conflict with your need to be different and perhaps unconventional. I know youre an alcoholic, a junkie, a con-artist, and tri-sexual. June 2014 Your consciousness can widen, you can have more empathy for others, and you can elevate many consciousness levels during this transit. Still, the deceptive energy of Neptune can make you fall for scams. If Neptune forms difficult aspects, you can become your own worst enemy, as several types of subconscious distortions usually occur, without any rational basis. Ultimately this is a time to broaden your horizons. Neptune Trine Asc You may support them by buying their alcohol or drugs for them, or you can be the one whose partner buys your poison of choice. Maybe related mysterious circumstances arise with siblings, neighbors or friends, secret communications or short trips. Neptune Transits Through Your First House:Well, at least its good for your imagination. As the transit progresses, and certainly by the time it is over, we should have a more refined understanding in the affected areas of our lives. Unless the thing youre starting has to do specifically with Neptune (like taking up sailing, or doing charity work) confusion and deception are more likely to raise their ugly heads. Researching spiritual, psychological, intellectual, religious or philosophical explanations of human relationships and how to improve them may help. Force yourself. Posted on September 4, 2018. Neptune Sextile Mercury However, the influence of Neptune in this house may cause us to lose trust and forget our principles. This slow-moving planets transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold. These issues are: 1) DISSOLUTION OF BOUNDARIES, 2) STRANGE ILLNESSES, 3) BETRAYAL, DISAPPOINTMENT or DECEPTION. Still, in the worst-case scenario, any truth growth can be stunted due to you joining misleading groups or forming friendships based on false impressions. Neptune in the 3rd house will allow you to widen your perceptions be flexible. A time when false optimism and high-falootin' ideals may wind up affecting your career. How to Invoke an Influx of Spiritual Good If you use drugs or alcohol to explore the psychic realms, or if youre suffering from a disturbed psychological or emotional state. Neptune transits the 9 th house . The only difference is you arent aware of it. On the plus end, you can fall in love several times, and on the negative side, you can be too idealistic in romance and experience a lot of heartaches because you pick the wrong people to connect with, deeply, Attracting mysterious, alternative thinking lovers or friends, It can be a highly deceptive time; all is not what it seems; yes, float with Neptune but also stay grounded in reality, Disappointments can make you feel pessimistic, so its crucial you engage in self-care and do activities that can make you happy without causing you pain later, So avoid too many drugs, alcohol, hookups etc. You could do something that goes against your own sense of good taste. In regard to health, you are more likely to get vague ailments that are difficult to diagnose. You can have issues with anyone who has authority over you in your life, or others may question your control over them. Or it may be that your more unrealistic desires are getting the energy and you put your life savings into that new company that is making a perpetual motion machine. Those are the areas of your life that will be affected the most. Someone may give you wrong information about your work responsibilities that you follow but are actually false. Walk a careful line when it comes to dreams versus realities. November 2022 Not to say you will lose money or material security at this time. Here are interpretations for Neptune transits to natal planets and Neptune transits in natal houses. Even if your friends or family try to stop you from falling into illusion, you may ignore their interventions and believe the fantasy anyway. February 2014 Send them to a therapist. The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). Your value system and the way you care for others may shoot up a notch to a higher plane. Some challenges putting your thoughts into words likely leads to a stronger appreciation for such things as musical lyrics, poetry, and other art forms that experiment with modes of expression. But be careful as Neptune influence her can make you prone to believing in things which is not true, so you must always fact check anything you read or are told at this time. You may perhaps even suffer from withdrawal and disillusionment in marriage and other important relationships, if Neptune forms difficult aspects with other planets. Posted on September 22, 2018. Under this transit, your imagination will get stronger when you are at home. Of course, the results will depend on the nature of your dreams. This could also mean that one of your parents may have difficulties that affect your well-being or sense of security. You could become involved in therapy at this time to help you resolve unhealed emotions from your past. A dream world where ideals are real and reality is as we always dreamed it would be. Repeatedly or they may try to control or make you reliant on them, so much, so you lose your sense of self, and you may come to believe you cannot even breathe without them. January 2023 It is essential to learn how to manage its elusive energy, channelling it into suitable areas, such as creativity and personal growth, becoming aware of the pitfalls of this vibration. The rest of us have to be careful. The tendency to attract people who you deem needy of being saved could be problematic. This transit can add a mysterious aura to the way you project yourself to others. Your current crop of dreams and ideals may not feel right to you or may seem to go against all that normally motivates you. You can be attracted to people that you think are amazing, but end up hurting you. This is philosophical research, others scientific, intellectual or spiritual study, for we all open up to the more profound meanings of life in different ways. Insights into dreams and ideals. The lower astral realms are notorious for giving people misleading information. December 2021 All rights reserved. In general, take care not to get obsessed (Pluto) with your dreams and fantasies (Neptune). You may have to face all you have been hiding from confronting during this transit. This content is for Full Moon Membership and Solar Lifetime Membership members only. September 2021 You may not even know that this person has a problem with you as they may smile in your face and stab you in the back. Neptune Square MC You are building your faith in all that is unseen. Moon Phase and Natal. You can create and live in fantasy rather than being rooted in reality during this period. Reincarnation, yoga, meditation, or other occult practices or knowledge. Women in particular, will have a stronger influence on you, whatever your gender. August 2021 Neptune tends to cause confusion wherever it goes. Neptune transits your natal Venus | Neptune transits your 7th house ruler When Neptune aspects your natal Venus or the ruler of the 7th house, your sensitivity and compassion towards others increases. Your thoughts can get the best of you at this time, destroying relationships. Saint-Geoirs est une commune franaise situe dans le dpartement de l'Isre en rgion Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes.. La commune, situe sur les pentes septentrionales de la partie orientale du plateau de Chambaran, est adhrente la communaut de communes Bivre Isre dont le sige est situ Saint-tienne-de-Saint-Geoirs.. Ses habitants sont dnomms les Saint-Geoirdeaux [1]. Neptune represents delusion, illusion, dreams, addictions, and self-sacrifice. Even the best working or creative partnerships can go wrong at this time due to misinterpretation or uncertainty of what it is meant. Reckless behaviours caused by infatuation or addiction can happen during transit. Another possibility is that you become demoralized and without values and look for someone who seems stronger for you to hold on to, but be careful not to become permanently dependent on this person and thus lose your freedom. October 2015 By all means, research, but if anything takes over your entire life, is it worth it? Stress more easily affects your health as well. Others may not appreciate your expressed ideals and goals or may challenge them. Some confusion regarding travel, legal affairs, or higher education is also possible now. However, doing this may cause severe consequences, so its best to go for any promotions honestly rather than deceptively. This can also be a time of tremendous idealism because of the extraordinary spiritual component of Neptune. Misunderstandings are more likely during this transit. Your career could take a turn toward the idealistic, or you could find yourself developing a practical sense for making your dreams a reality. July 2017 It is also vital that you do your best to be direct in speech, although Neptune in the 3rd house can make you hear what you want to hear or mistake what is meant by said. See if you can do something to give that career a little more pizzazz or do some volunteer charity work on the side. Being slavish to established ideals could result in a loss of freedom and insight. You will learn about yourself, and this will help you deal more successfully with your unconscious compulsions. You can develop or deepen an addiction to intoxicating substances or toxic relationships to escape from the vivid dreams and thoughts this transit can bring. ASTROFIX is pleased to partner with Big Sky Astrology to offer you the "Followed By a Moonshadow" eclipse report. But because typically, the other voices are louder, we tend to follow those. No, this transit doesnt cause these people to suddenly appear. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! It is vital to read the writing on the wall. A partner could have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances. Some individuals may choose to live in an ashram or some religious institution. Your muse wakes. It is easy for you to love and be compassionate and to value what life offers. When Neptune makes adverse aspects to other planets such as squares, oppositions or quincunxes, Mars, Uranus or Saturn. Neptune Square Mercury Dont forget to check out the house that Jupiter is in and the house that it rules (the one with Sagittarius on the cusp). See below for transits from other planets. This leads us to a direct connection with our higher selves and spiritual helpers t who talk to us via dreams or in more subtle ways. Sometimes people experience a burnout of sorts that eventually leads them to take a different pathoften a more spiritually rewarding and fulfilling one. When Neptune transits the 8th House, you may feel more spiritually inclined. So go ahead and volunteer to work at that soup kitchen, or join that amateur theatrical group. This means that confusion can hit your finances when Neptune is 90 degrees away in another corner of the chart, or when it is entering your8th House(180 degrees away). Its you. For instance, if Sagittarius is on the cusp (beginning) of the11th House(friends, hopes, and wishes) you will tend to attract people who are either idealistic, spaced-out, or con artists. Transit (moving) Neptune travels slowly, spending many years in one sign. You may decide that you have been working towards the wrong ambitions and decided to change your career. The spiritual bonds with the family will be accentuated. You experience a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who shares your own ideals. which are a result of your unhealed subconscious mind and the emotional and psychological wounds that live there. However, it also clouds your ability to do so by sending you on wild goose chances; think of extreme conspiracy theories. It may be you who is trying to run from your partners truth, refusing to hear their concerns. December 2020 When it transits, it spreads tinsel and gossamer over everything it touches. January 2018 As usual, the smoothaspects(sextile and trine) are the easiest. August 2012 March 2016 You are at your most poet, able to put your dreams and ideals into words and communicate them through speaking and writing. It takes165 yearsfor Neptune to transit the entire zodiac, and it spends roughly 14 years in each sign, Neptune transiting the houses can bring addictive, mystifying-strange, enigmatic-undercover experience, like secret hook-ups etc., psychic- higher consciousness awakening, or destructive experiences, Having to deal with your past in some way, buried emotional or psychological wounds may surface. Watching out for scams or risky speculative investments is necessary. Neptune transit through the houses can last anywhere between 13-14 years, depending on the size of your house in your birth chart. Sun In Libra Astrology: Is Sun in Libra good, What does it mean to have Sun in Scorpio? You are slightly more impressionable than usual. There is an increased chance of confusion in relations with siblings and neighbors. If thats how you feel, some of you may decide to get rid of possession. Instead, seek out ways to overcome any issues in your household issue, you may have to call in a mediator. Your career could become almost ideal, or you could find yourself taking an interest in more spiritual and mystical matters. Transit Neptune in 6th House This period will emphasize two areas of your life, health and work. An opportunity to use your imagination to improve your living environment or beautify your surroundings. Meaning and how you can use them. Your romantic life is more colorful and rich during this cycle. You are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deceptionseeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. overt or covert ( obvious or not so noticeable) changes in the way you communicate with yourself and others, likelihood you will research alternative scientific, technological, philosophical, religious, spiritual higher consciousness ideas, This transit is best used to uplift your consciousness and deepen your perceptions, Neptunes intuitive subtle influences can lead you to find resourceful solutions to any issues you are facing in your life. Neptune Transits in Aspect to the Natal Moon:The Moon rules your instincts and feelings. Some of you may become interested in the higher meanings of life, occult practices o or psychological or intellectual introspection. Leo Moon Transit: What does the moon entering Leo mean? You may find that you have intuitive and psychic abilities that have never surfaced before. Your old views on things are being challenged and you may not want to give them up. Which causes uncertainty, confusion and insecurity, leading you to think of ways to bring more happiness into your life. April 2021 What does out-of-bounds planets in astrology mean? The stress aspects (conjunction, square, and opposition) work a little differently. The mind and our ego, you will find they are many ego personalities built up over many lifetimes, not just one. Behavior in intimate relationships is strongly influenced by subconscious memories. Sure, some are true, but most are elaborated. The Affection of Love by Clayten Tylor A sense of devotion and the spiritual. As always with Neptune transits, you wont want to be careful. Neptune Conjunct Asc Neptune transiting the first house can confuse you, leaving you questioning who you really are. Let a professional take care of them. It takes less alcohol to get drunk under these aspects, and reactions to drugs and medication are more likely when Neptune hits. Starting health plans that adversely affect your health, so make sure you check the validity- facts of any health claims of any products, food or exercise plans, Alterative healing strategies like fasting, homoeopathy, tai chi, meditation. Neptune Conjunct Venus Neptune Trine Mercury Negatively, other people can project their own image of who they think you are onto you, and you may try to live up to their expectations. Uplifting for the career. You may find yourself working in businesses related to art, music, entertainment, psychology, photography, or hospitals. Neptune Square Mars If this occurs, its crucial you get help at this time, your friends and family may try to intervene, but you may push them away. March 2013 December 2018 Transit Neptune in the Eighth House. The conjunction, square, and opposition are the most trouble because they make you certain that your hunches are correct. You will just be doing this more when Neptune goes through your6th House. Its just that during this transit, your guard is less likely to be up. The other possibility is that the partner will be taking money without your knowledge. Also, your creative imagination will be strongly stimulated, especially in relation to work, with art, music, entertainment, photography, psychology, spiritual healing, hospitals, institutions, etc. Normally clear ideas are fuzzy now, and it is hard to be logical or consistent. Nothing mystical here. Neptune Sextile Uranus Things seem to come to you all by themselves. Try and be open-minded and be patient with the process. This is important because, when Neptune hits, you wont want to. Be careful not to let the fantasies interfere with living and making a living. Of course, they are other truths like a leopard may never change its spots, but thats a lie; its just hard for it to do so- meaning people cannot change. September 2018 Even if the truth is staring you in the face, you will be unable to see it. There can also be increased confusion concerning children at this time, and that includes your grown children (no matter how old they get, they are still your babies). The perfect vocation could be found. We are all equal, but on different phases of physical, psychological, emotional and emotional development, so it is best to snap out of this thinking as quickly as possible. February 2020 You may feel emotions of a religious nature. During this period, your old way of life is ending and a new one is being born. A Neptune transit increases their power. By not giving too much importance to material things, you will find the opportunity to exercise your imagination in finding ways to make money. You tend to idealize others, in particular your partners and relationships, during this time period. Neptune can make anything look better. It is not a time when you are at your most practical; you lose yourself in home and family. Later you may feel you did the wrong thing. The direction of your life could turn more to questions of religion and world unity. Again its not about attributing fault. Neptune transits can be highly deceptive. The meaning of the Finger of God, Grand Trine Aspect Pattern Astrology Rare Blessings, Elements and Triplicities in Astrology: Fire, Water.Air and Earth signs, The Opposition Aspect Meaning in Astrology, Quincunx or the In-conjunct aspect in Astrology, Conjunction Aspect, The Meaning of the Conjunct in Astrology, Square Aspect in Astrology Natal Chart- Meaning. On the other hand, a loan or other form of support may come through unexpectedly, even in a mysterious fashion. Neptune can have the same effect when making a stress aspect to the cusp (beginning) of the2nd House. Ultimately, whatever happens, may cause you to transcend the situation and get away from these problems, but do it safely instead of using intoxicating substances, fantasy or other distractions to escape your reality. It is best not to make drastic changes now; even if you have been living, in an unethical or non-materialistic way, you still have to live. If thats the case, just take small steps daily to get out of any hole youre in, crawl if you have to; they are a lot of lessons in darkness, after all. You need to have a completely realistic attitude towards any business during this time. The mind always wants to know, so if you find yourself thinking you know something for sure, know you typically only know one side. Manipulating others to get what you want may backfire in the long run, causing breakdowns in relationships and low self-esteem. Your own goals and ideals may be stressed and challenged. On the other hand, some of you may get more materialistic at this time; after all, this is Neptunes hazy and confusing thinking we talking about. Neptune Opposite Neptune Think of this post as an evolving online astrological journal of thoughts on planets and things in the eighth house. Still, you seek support to help you if you feel unstable. One of the dangers is to confuse what you are seeing with an ideal. Keep a grip or else you will wind up giving them all your worldly wealth and devoting yourself forever to the head guru. This is an excellent time to eat healthier and detox your body safely. Even if you have worked with them in the past, their actions could still be deceptive at this time. Neptune rules Pisces, so if Neptune is in your natal 1st House, you may look similar to a Pisces rising, regardless of what your actual rising sign is. Neptune Opposite Asc October 2012 The fifth house is the house of children, romance, speculation and fun, so this can be a highly enjoyable time, but do not get carried away. Take off those rose colored glasses. An appreciation for ideas and thoughts that are quite other-worldly is upon you. Realising its the memories of our experiences in life that are the most valuable things, not the things themselves. And that poor person who needs help in business no, dont take them in as a partner. Your intuition can become more powerful as well, but that would work best in situations in which you are not personally involved. Neptune seeks to dissolve our ego(s), limiting beliefs and self-destructive habits; at times, I can do this by making us fall into compulsions. It can be filled if you take daily steps to fill it. December 2011 June 2016 Its not as good if you have to communicate precise facts. And what would any of us be without a dream? Your business(s) partner can deceive you at this time, stealing finances from your company, intellectual or creative ideas, things like that, even someone who you see as trustworthy can con you during this period, Give people a chance dont become paranoid or fearful, which are the negatives of this transit.

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neptune transits houses

neptune transits houses

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